Episode 34

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Third person's pov:

"I love you namjoon."

Eyes widened with an expression of obvious startlement. Namjoon's orbs didn't leave rose's for once, mind objecting to process her incomprehensible words. Did he actually hear her right?

"I-I love you so much.", she cried covering her face with both her palms while he started at her with utter astonishment.

The puzzlement didn't live long as the one word which he finally comprehended, pricked his already wounded heart.


One word he believe he could sacrifice his life over. And one word he now loathed with his whole existence.

A lie, a way of deceiving people. This is what love was to him.

The circumstances and the bitter memories of past. That's all what it took for the reversal of a delightful and amiable fellow to a vitriolic pessimist.

His demeanor changed, features hardened. The tears in her eyes reminding him of her tears. Everytime she asked for forgiveness this is what she did. Cried. And he melted down those fake tears.

But not now.

He wasn't that old lovesick boy.

She can't use him.

No woman can.

"Get up."

His voice was calm. As calm as the ocean before the devastating storm.

Her head lifted up as she looked at him with her glistening orbs.


"Get up and get lost.... before I do something I'll regret later."

She shook her head in denial and tried to get a hold of his hand but he instantly yanked it away before holding her by her arm and making her stand on her feet.

"I told you to, GET LOST!!!", he harshly yanked her arm away making her stumble back.

Not bearing a second glance, he tried to walk past her but she persistently got in his way.

"Why can't you love me? Just why?!!", she yelled while he took a sharp breath before giving her a deadly glare.

"If you really care for your well being, I suggest you to f*ck off."

"I would never be like her namjoon. I would never betray you."

His steps came to an immediate halt at her words, eyes narrowing.

She indeed triggered his most sensitive spot. And she knew it.

"You really want to get killed?", he seethed through his gritted teeth with an accelerated breath.

He couldn't let his rage drive him. Knowing that wouldn't end well.

So pushing her to the side, he decided to leave the house for the while.

At least till this woman gets back to her senses.

Walking away, ignoring her unnecessary existence, he reached for the doorknob.

"Is it because you still love her?"

Feet instantly on a standstill and hand frozen at it's place.

His whole body as if stiffed at it's place, just as the words reverberated through his ears.

And that's it.

Heartless ✓|| Yandere Taehyung ft. Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now