Episode 1

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"Miss Sara, do you take Mr. Kim Taehyung as your lawful husband?"

I clutched the fabric of my gown in a tight grip as the words by the priest reached my ears. These were not lesser than a death sentence to me. Actually worse. Death can pull apart all the pain at once but this one vow will lead me to live and die each and every second.

The wedding veil made of soft shimmery tulle, covered up my face till my neck. I looked to my left through it and saw his eyes already scrutinized in my direction, demanding obedience. How could I disobey in any means? Now as I was made to be his.

My whole body screamed terror as his one hand now shifted towards my waist. My hands fisted in fear and stress, and hold on the rose bouquet tightened. Feeling his harshfully tightening grip around me, I closed my eyes as I knew this is what fate brings for me.

With this one vow, I'll loose my freedom forever. With these few words, I'll loose my dignity, my honour and my self respect to the one who always crushed it under his feet. With this one oath, I'll loose my everything.

"I do."

Appaluses and cheerings louded in the majestic wedding hall. A grin of satisfaction was finally found on his glorious features.

My eyes fell down on the floor as a few tears of anguish abruptly left them. I was defeated. Defeated by the one who claimed to love me. Defeated by the one who said he cares, but his actions always proved otherwise.

I was meant to lose. Lose over someone's desire towards me. Lose over someone's fascinations, someone's devotion, which crushed my dreams, shredding them apart.

"Mr Kim Taehyung, do you take Miss Sara as your lawful wife?

His head turned in my direction and I saw his lips curling up in a wide smirk and eyes sparkling with pure pride and pretention.

"I do."

With no hesitation the words left his mouth, making my heart drop in my stomach as I knew what's going to happen next.

"I pronounce you both as lawful husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

My eyes were down on the floor with feet sturdy on the ground, wishing for the cold ground to engulf me in.

Just then, the only barrier between us got lifted by him as his eyes now directly came in contact with mine.

His one hand moved towards my cheeks and I instantly closed my eyes, not wanting to capture this terrible moment in my memories.

"Closing your eyes doesn't change the truth."

He mocked near my ear in a low whisperous tone and then without hesitating a second more, attacked my lips with his.

It was not suppose to be this long but I knew it would be this painful. This painful, to be touched by someone you loath with all your heart and might.

His lips moved against mine passionately, forgetting about the other presences in our surrounding.

It lasted at least five long minutes which felt like centuries to me as he finally pulled away.

"The truth that you're mine."

He whispered against my lips making a few more tears glisten down.


Third person's pov:

"How's the security over there? Can you people make it inside?", he asked through the phone with his eyes fixed at the documents in front of him.

"The security is nothing as compared to what it used to be. It seems like he removed a lot of gaurds or maybe he's on a mission right now.", a deep voice from the other side of the phone explained.

"Hmm.", his eyes then fell on one of the files with an unknown picture and instantly narrowed in puzzlement. He've not seen this face before which is really confusing to him.

His hand extended as he took out the picture from the document.

Holding the picture in his hand, he took a deep sigh before continuing.

"Don't underestimate him Namjoon. You know how powerful and cunning this Kim fucking Taheyung is. He is either trying to trick us or he's not even there. I suggest you to be careful.", he kept instructing while his eyes still fixed on the picture.

"Yeah I know. But I've already planned enough for months. Today I will get him at all costs.", Namjoon said with a tint of rage in his voice.

He sighed as he knew that Namjoon is not going to listen to him, no matter how many times he suggests him to be careful.

"Alright. If anything goes west than just give me a call. I'll be there.", he suggested in a concerned tone and Namjoon chuckled.

"Alright officer Jeon, I'll call you for help if needed.", Namjoon said and Jungkook laughed at his informal way of calling him.

"Alright officer joon.", jungkook completed and finally hung up the call.

His eyes were still analyzing the picture found in taehyung's super confidential documents.

What is a girl's picture doing in his confidential documents? Is she an assassin who works for him? There's no way he would have the picture of an assassin in these super secured documents..... he sighed placing the picture at the desk.

Maybe he's going to murder her for some reason? The thought crossed his mind and he looked at the picture. But murdering is not a big thing that he'll do himself. He has men for that. Then......

Now he drowned down more and more in his thoughts. She looks innocent and I've not seen her face in any wanted lists either. Along with that, she looks completely young and innocent. I don't think its possible for her to be an assassin.

All of this now only makes him understand the fact that she's someone important to him.

Maybe his sister, or cousin or maybe his....... wife? But he's definitely not married.

He picked up the picture and placed it in his brief separately. He got these proofs with utmost efforts but he knows that they'll be stolen or just destroyed if he kept them all in the police station. It happened in the past as a lot of evidences were miraculously not found at the police station. There are officers working for the mafia even in the police department so he can't trust everyone.

A smirk appeared on his face as a new idea bloomed into his mind. Now he was certain for what steps he need to take ahead.

It was his chance to find out something about his biggest enemies personal life, which might be his only weakness.


Here's episode 1. Enjoy reading.

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