Chapter 8.2 Broken

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We drove north of town for almost an hour. Then I saw the fog ahead. We drove thru it and up my driveway. I had my door open and was stepping out of the car before it had even stopped. Tack was waiting for me at the door. I flew into his arms.

"I will be back at seven to pick you up so you can get to school." Jock said.

"Thank you so much."

"That's what I'm here for Miss Cherry there is no need to thank me."

"Well get used to it she thanks everybody." Tack said pulling me close. Jock smiled and got back into my car and drove thru the fog again. "So my love what do you want to do tonight?"

"I think I want to start where we left off this morning."

I ran my hands down the front side of his body. Tack pulled me close to him and kissed me as he walked us through the door.

"First we should eat, then we can resume our prior activity."

"Okay I am hungry." My stomach growled as to make a point.

We walked into the dinning room and Charlotte walked in with two plates of meat and potatoes.

"I'm glad to see you back Miss Cherry."

"Thanks Charlotte." I was trying to put my hair up in a ponytail.

"If you would like I can fix your hair after you eat. I can put it up for you."

"Thanks that would be nice."

"I will get everything ready while you eat." she left and Tack and I started eating. We didn't talk while we ate but I could see him sneaking glances at me just like I was of him. Parthenope come and cleared our dishes and Tack got up and helped me out of my chair.

"Come to my room." I whispered in his ear.

He smiled. "As you wish my love." He kissed my hand and led me up the stairs. When we walked in I herd Charlotte in the bathroom.

"Go and get your hair done, I will be waiting for you." He smiled and kissed me softly.

I walked into the bathroom and Charlotte had my vanity all set up to fix my hair.

"Do you have anything in particular you would like done with your hair?" She asked as she started to brush it out.

"No, just something that will hold I toss a lot in my sleep sometimes." It wasn't a total lie but I started to feel a little bad lying to Charlotte.

"Okay can you keep a secret I need to talk to someone."

"Of coarse. You can trust me that is what I am here for."

"I don't want someone to only be my friend because they are being paid to be."

"Oh no that's not it at all Mrs. Resort saw a vision of me and you becoming the best of friends."

"Oh." I didn't know what to say. I was just happy that I knew I could trust Charlotte. "Tack fed from me, and I fed from him."

"Really how exciting I have never herd of anyone other than a vampire feeding. How was it?"

"Amazing." I laughed. "But now we have to feed from each the or we get all twisted in our stomachs."

"Yeah I have heard of that but never with a Vampire only in humans."

"That's what I thought I don't know why Tack has to have me feed from him. Not that I'm complaining at all it's the most amazing experience I have ever had."

"Well there is nothing normal about you, Sorry to be so blunt but there is nothing like and hasn't been in many, many years."

"Your ancestors never had to deal with this kind of stuff they were all changed as children. Your great-great Grandmother was the only one who gave the choice and you great grandmother chose to be human because she loved a human boy and wanted to live her life out with him."

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