Chapter 13: Sick and Tired

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PB's P.O.V

Finally, I told Finn how I really felt about him. Its a huge secret I've been keeping from him and myself. I kept denying my feelings for him. But now, my heart felt lighter. I smiled at the ground as I felt the way our hands fit perfectly.

"Where have you two lovebirds been?" Jake smirked, a cup in his hands.
"Oh just...walking around." Finn smiled.
"Uh huh" Jake wiggled his eyebrows at Finn before walking over to Lady and Jake Jr.

"May I dance with Finn, Princess?" Engagement Ring Princess asked me.
"Sure, but give him back before 2, alright?" I joked. I hugged Finn before I let him dance with ERP. I walked to Marceline, who's chillin at the stage, letting her playlist play.

"You two make a cute couple. I saw you guys kissing." She smirked at me. I felt embarassed
"Uh, thanks? And what the dumps man, you saw us?" I retorted.

"Yeah, when I was about to light the fireworks, I checked the perimiter of the area first then I saw you two." She put her headphones on, then went back to being the best DJ ever.

I walked back to the dance floor, I watched my peiple dance. It's nice to let loose and be wild for a night. The music suddenly stops.

It changed into a slow song people started to partner up and slowdance. Where is my man? I searched for him through the sea of couples. I saw him trying to look for me too. We smiled at each other. He walked towards me.

He held me by the waist as my hands rested on his shoulders. We gazed at each other. Maybe thinking how lucky we are to have each other.
"You're beautiful, Princess. You're such a heavenly view." He said with a smile.

"Thank you." I blushed. We danced all night. When the clock striked 3, we all went home.
"Bye Finn, see you some other day." I kissed Finn on the cheek then left. I went into my room, then just went to sleep, tired and all partied out, not bothering to change into my pajamas.

*the next day*

I opened my eyes and checked the time. It's 9. I tried to stand up but my head aches, my body hurts. Oh gosh last night was wild. I took off my heels. Ow! I screamed in pain. My feet hurt so much.
"Is everything alright, Princess?" Pep But came in my room.

"No, I feel sore." I replied, trying to get on my bed.
"I will make some chicken soup and call Finn to care for you." He replied with a smile. Finn. I wonder if he's tired too.

"No, no. I want him to rest." I said. He just nodded then walked out. Oh shoot I haven't washed up yet. I'm still in my neon party dress and its hella uncomfortable.

I slowly limped to the bathroom. I am having a hard time washing up. I put on my pink hoodie and some pajamas, them my pink socks. I feel cold. I walked back to my bed.

I feel horrible. I can't even breathe properly. I want Finn to be here and stay with me but I want to let him rest. You're messed up. I said to myself. I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in."

I saw Finn walking in, holding my tray of chicken soup. Glob danggit, Pep But! I told him not to call Finn. I mentally facepalmed.

"How you doing, PB?" Finn asked me while placing the tray beside me then sat on the bed.
"Not good. You should get home and rest, Finn. I can care for myself." I sniffled.
"I'm perfectly alright. I'm worried about you! You're warm." Finn caressed my hand.

"Okay. I don't wanna be a burden to you, thats all." I took my spoon then started eating the soup.
Finn smiled at me but concern in his eyes. He got up then got a cold compress from my mini refrigerator. He placed the compress on my head.
I mouthed "Thank you."

"You should get some sleep, my princess." Finn walked to the door, carrying my tray. I wanted him to stay with me, but I don't want to. I'm so hard to understand that I can't even understand myself!

"Finn?" I squeaked.
"Yeah?" He turned around.
"Can you stay with me?" I shyly asked.
"Sure princess." He replied with a happy smile. He held me in his arms then hummed a song until I fell asleep.

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