Chapter 6: What?

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PB's P.O.V


I hear the beep of the heart monitor go. I can't seem to move. I smell the familiar scent of sterile alcohol. I know I'm at the hospital. The last thing I remember was I was eaten by the beast. I opened my eyes. I feel...young. I saw Finn hurriedly ran to me, leaving the doctor.

"PRINCESS YOU'RE ALRIGHT, BUT YOUNGER!" He excitedly said to me as he hugged me tight.

"Wha-? Younger?" I asked. What the heck, maybe the beast had eaten some of my biomass causing me to be younger. But how old am I?

"Yeah, you're 14, but the good thing is you're okay!" Finn said with a smile.

"Princess, you may now go. You do not have any major injuries, just scratches." The doctor said. He took all the wires off me then Finn and I walked out.

"Bye Finn! Have fun." Jake said to Finn before we waved goodbye. I looked at him with a smile. He seems...taller.
"Sudden growth spurt?" I asked him. He chuckles,
"You're younger, and shorter silly!"

Finn's P.O.V

"Oh yeah. Haha I need to clear the air to my Candy peeps tho. Let's gather everyone." She said to me. I nodded as I ran to the tower to ring the huge bell. The Candy people quickly gathered to the square. Princess Bubblegum tapped on the microphone.

"Good morning my beloved people! As you know I got bitten by a beast, and some of my biomass had been eaten causing me younger, 5 years younger to be exact. I don't wish to be back to my old self anytime soon. I wish to relish in being a teenager, without any duties and responsibilities. Now, I trust all of you to maintain peace in the Candy Kingdom. I built Bonnie 2.0 when I was 18, to take over my place incase I become younger again. So, for now, she will rule over you. That is all. Go back to whatever you guys were doing." She stated as she turned Bonnie on.

"What do you use to control her?" I ask curiously looking at the PB robot.
"Nothing. She's almost like me, but only she's made of metal instead of gum." She replied.

PB explained everything to Peppermint Butler and Bonnie then we walked to her room.

"So, I have alot of questions to ask you." I said to her as I played with her waist length gummy hair.
"Sure ask anythin ya want, Finny." She said in a sweet voice. Wait this might be my chance, I could finally get Peebles! Could it be? My old childish crush on her reawakening? Well, she' s younger by a year than me, and we hung out alot...

"Why don't you want to go back being 19?" I ask her as I finished the braid I made on her hair.
"Well, I wanted to experience being a teen, without thinking about duties and responsibilities blah blah. And I wanted to hang with you more." She said with a smile.

"Oh. Alright that's all I had to ask haha..anyways, I'm done." I said as I secured the braid with an elastic. She touched the braid then looked at me.

"How to I look?" She asked with a smile. I just stared at her, mesmerized by her beautiful pink face. Her hair laid perfectly by her shoulder, loose hair framing her face.

"Uh, you done checkin me out?" She joked. I felt heat rise up my cheeks.
" look gorgeous." I said.
"Thank you, Finny. So, what do you wanna do?" She asked me with half a smile.

"How bout let's do whatever you always wanted to do when you were a teen." I suggested.
"That'll be so great. Wait let me get my diary, I wrote what I wanted to do there." She walked to her drawer and took out her pink diary.

She opened it and took a piece of paper out. It was long.
"Hmmmm..." She tried to find one to do first.
"How bout this one?" She pointed out to a bulletted sentence.

PB's young again! Yey! Haha. I think she'll stay like that for awhile.


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