27: Surprise

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PB's P.O.V

"Bye Finn. Oh! Don't forget to wear something formal alright?" I dried off my nails as I fixed the phone on my shoulder.

"Yes my Princess. I'll be there in less than an hour!" He said before ending the call. I was done with my nails then I put my hair in an elegant rose bun then I checked myself in the mirror one last time.

I'm wearing simple but elegant make up, golden earrings, and a simple golden necklace with a small diamond heart that Finn gave me. I walked out of the bathroom.

I saw Butterscotch twirling around in the gown I made her. She looks beautiful, her hair is curled to perfection, she had simple but elegant make up like me, then she has pearl earrings and a pearl necklace that I gave her.

I was amazed at her beauty and gracefulness. She stopped twirling because she noticed me watching her. She blushed.

"You're beautiful, darling." I said before placing a kiss on her forehead. She smiled.
I heard a knock on the door.
"Princess, can you please check on this" Peppermint Butler asked me to come with him.

We walked to the ballroom, where the after party will be held. It was decorated with white circular lanterns, dark purple streamers, pink and blue party lights and cream colored tables. It was beautiful.

"Excellent." I commented before we walked down to the stage at the square, where the crowning ceremony will be held. It's elegant, pristine white colored with floral embellishments.

All in all, it looks amazing. I smiled, while fantazising what will happen. I'm so excited. After checking everything, I went back to my room. Butterscotch is practicing her princess speech.

I let her finish.
"Great speech!" I commented.
"Thanks!" She replied. I heard the door barge open. I saw Finn come in.
"Woah. You two look amazing." He stared at Butterscotch before carefully taking in how I look. I blushed.

"You look amazing too, Finn." Butterscotch and I said in unison. We all laughed.

"Princess, the ceremony is about to start in 15 minutes. Please be ready." Peppermint Butler said through the voice transmitter.

"Ready, Finn?" I ask him. He nodded.
"Butterscotch, you'll be staying here in my room. You'll be called by Peppermint Butler later for your que to come alright? Don't be nervous." I hugged her.

"Yeah. I love you guys." She pulled Finn and I in a group hug. Finn and I looked at each other before hugging Butterscotch.

I waved to Butterscotch before Finn and I exit the room.
"She's amazing huh?" Finn said, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Yeah. I love every single thing about her." I replied. Finn intertwined his fingers with mine. The butterflies in my stomach went wild.

"Just like how I love every single thing about you."
I can feel his eyes on me.
"Shut up." I said while playfully hitting his arm.

After a while of chatting and foolinga round, we got to the square. I went on the stage then Finn sat on the front row seats, along with the Ice King.

I looked at the seat reserved for Marceline beside Ice King. She didn't come. I suddenly felt sad. No, don't let this ruin your day. I said to myself. I grabbed the microphone.

"Welcome everyone! Today is a special day. Today, I will be crowned queen. And I'll be introducing someone special to all of you. She's intelligent, adventurous, fun, energetic and beautiful.

Everything about her is just...amazing. You'll get to know her later." I trailed off before letting Mr. Eclaire take the microphone. He did the speeches that he did when I was crowned Princess as a child. Blah blah.

Butterscotch's P.O.V

I paced around the room back and forth. Thinking about everything that will happend today. I already practiced my speeches. I'm totally prepared..but I feel something. Something that might go wrong today. I shrugged it off.

"I'll be Princess. Don't worry, its just a couple of speeches then the crown will be put on my head. Simple as that. Stop overthinking" I said to myself.

"Miss Butterscotch, you may now go to the square. You will be escorted by the banana guards and Finn. They will be there in five minutes. Be prepared." I heard Peppermint Butler's voice throught the speakers.

"Sure Pep But." I replied. I took a deep breath then I faced the door. I turned the knob. Suddenly it bursts open. I couldn't see anything. All I saw was a black figure then I got hit on the head. Hard. I fell tl the ground, unconscious.


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