-I Think I Like You-

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Hongjoong's breath caught in his throat as he gazed upon the majestic mansion before him, its grandeur taking his breath away. A sense of awe washed over him as he took in the meticulously manicured trails of flowerbeds that led to the imposing entrance. The allure of the garden beckoned to him, promising a sanctuary of natural beauty that he yearned to immerse himself in.

The prospect of working for such an esteemed household filled Hongjoong with anticipation. More than anything, he longed to delve his hands into the soil of this exquisite garden, nurturing the vibrant life that flourished within. His love for flowers and nature had been ingrained in him since childhood, nurtured by countless hours spent with his grandmother amidst the enchanting flower fields. Those memories were etched deep within him, a testament to the profound connection he felt with the natural world.

As he grew older, Hongjoong's passion for flora only intensified, culminating in the cherished opportunity to work alongside his grandmother in her beloved flower shop. It was an experience he treasured dearly, one that fueled his desire to cultivate beauty and share it with the world. Now, standing before this magnificent estate, he felt a sense of purpose stirring within him, eager to weave his own touch of magic into the tapestry of nature that awaited him.

Nature and appreciating the outdoors became the thing that kept them close, however when she passed, Hongjoong had lost part of his happiness. He was depressed for months on end trying to find his purpose and the thing that would bring him happiness but the cruel reality was becoming a bit much, but that was until he got back into gardening. At first it originally had started off as something to keep him preoccupied from thinking about the death of his family but then it turned into the only thing he found himself caring about .

The flowers just spoke to them. The way they were so bright and beautifully contrasted against the green grass with an illuminated amount of color brought him peace beyond belief. Eventually he'd found work in doing what he loved because people thought his flower arrangements were beautiful. Which led him here in front of this large mansion. Excitedly he stumbled up the path taking in the dripping rock waterfall standing tall just a few yards in front of the grand stairs.

Hongjoong's eyes traced the graceful movements of the vibrant, colorful fish as they glided through the crystal-clear waters of the serene pond, their presence adding a touch of whimsy to the already charming garden. A soft smile played on his lips as he admired the array of quaint garden accessories that adorned the space, each one adding its own unique charm to the idyllic scene.

Filled with eager anticipation, Hongjoong quickened his pace, the excitement bubbling within him urging him closer to the grand entrance of the mansion. With each step, he could practically feel the pulse of life thrumming through the garden, beckoning him to immerse himself in its beauty.

Finally reaching the imposing wooden door, adorned with elegant glass windows, Hongjoong took a moment to compose himself before pressing the doorbell. The sound echoed through the tranquil surroundings, a gentle reminder of his presence as he patiently awaited a response, eager to begin his journey within this enchanting domain.

As he awaited , Hongjoong shifted his weight, pivoting on his feet as he explored the expansive patio. His gaze wandered to the side, where he noticed the garage doors seamlessly integrated into the structure of the house. Adjacent to the garage stood a towering tree, its branches adorned with the most charming treehouse, a sight that brought a soft smile to Hongjoong's lips.

The sight of the treehouse stirred nostalgic memories within him, reminding him of his own childhood dreams. Hongjoong had always harbored a secret wish to one day have a home with a treehouse just like that, envisioning a haven where his future children could let their imaginations run wild, just as he had done when he was young. Lost in reverie, he hadn't even noticed the middle-aged woman approaching from behind until she tapped him on the shoulder, jolting him back to the present moment.

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