-Sharp Thorn Teeth-

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This is kind of an experiment so not too much if things don't make sense otherwise enjoy??

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"Over there!" yelled a loud voice behind him.

Everything was moving so fast. The urge to survive overwhelmed Yeosang, driving him forward with a fierce intensity. He had no idea how they had found him, but there was no time to figure it out now. He was engulfed in a cacophony of deafening shouts mingled with the wind's howl as he sprinted through the treacherous terrain. His heart pounded, and the sound of blood rushing through his ears was almost deafening. Each step on the slick, uneven ground was a perilous gamble. He stumbled, nearly falling occasionally, but forced himself to keep moving.

Yeosang's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. Why him? Why were they chasing him so relentlessly? He had no idea where he was; he had been moving south for what felt like forever, taking random turns to evade his pursuers, only to get more lost. Every tree he passed seemed familiar, creating a sickening blend of panic, adrenaline, and fear.

His physical state was no better as his body was screaming for rest with each step , his open wounds stinging as the cold air sliced through them. The dull ache in his legs grew worse, the frostbite spreading its icy grip. He couldn't stop; he wouldn't give up. Clinging to a sliver of hope, he continued to run for his life through the dense, snow-laden woods, his breath coming in desperate, icy gasps. The sky overhead was a slate gray, heavy with the promise of more snow. Icy tendrils of air caressed his pale cheeks, leaving them delicately rosy.

However with the allure of freedom, after enduring isolation for so long, felt almost surreal. When he had first escaped his plans went perfectly until the camp began to blare loudly with the sounds of alarms. He knew at that moment it was now or never and he knew he'd be going into a suicide mission with death being promised if he escaped or got caught, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try.

The kidnappers had been relentless, tracking him with the tenacity of bloodhounds since his miraculous escape earlier that night. He could still feel the tight ropes that had bound his wrists, the bruises throbbing with each movement. Escaping the dim, foreboding confines where they planned to auction him off was the only thing keeping him going.

He wasn't a creature and he didn't deserve to be put in this life when he was sold off to these monsters and with the disgusting memories of what had occurred in that camp it only pushed him. However, nature seemed determined to thwart his every move, shattering any glimmer of hope. With each stride, the ground grew more treacherous, the cold, powdery snow thickening threatening to trap his feet. But Yeosang fought fiercely against the relentless force of gravity, desperate to regain his footing and avoid falling.

However, he hadn't noticed the hidden root until it was too late. His foot caught in the root, sending him sprawling face-first into the snow. Almost like a domino effect, he found himself tumbling down the hill, disoriented, with the world being a chaotic blur. Darkness crept into the edges of his vision, distant and distorted voices barely reaching him. The cold seeped into his bones, sapping his strength. His last conscious thought was a silent plea for help, for mercy, for anything to save him from this fate. Each attempt to regain control only resulted in further injury, his once flawless skin now marred by stinging slashes.

The constant pressure against his skull added to his mounting distress, threatening to overwhelm his senses entirely. Then, in a cruel twist of fate, darkness descended upon him, his consciousness slipping away as a sharp impact from a tree root delivered a final, merciless blow.

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