-Touch Me Please -

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Simply said, the phrase "exhausted" didn't do Hongjoong justice. He had been working on this fresh comeback for hours on end, but the motivation simply wasn't there. The lyrics just didn't match the beat, no matter how long he walked away from it, and he was beginning to feel antsy and restless.

At first Hongjoong ignored the small crawl and ache he felt under his skin, but as time moved on ,Hongjoong was unsure of the issue.  At first he assumed that the work was getting to him, but shortly after he'd notice it more even when he was forced to take breaks. He simply couldn't take it..

His body was itching, as though he was missing something, but he was unable to identify what it was. Whatever he did to divert himself—writing lyrics, taking a shower, or even taking a walk—it didn't work.These emotions began approximately a few months ago, and as time went on, they grew intolerable.

Therefore, like any other individual, he tried to figure out what was wrong. He browsed a ton of websites, unwilling to accept that any of them were accurate....He wished they were wrong.

Being independent and obstinate, Hongjoong found it too much to even consider the possibility of being touched deprived. He kept everything to himself when it came to internal feelings. When there was a problem, he kept it to himself until it was resolved and never brought it up again. He didn't discuss his concerns or his tension with anyone else.

In an effort to keep the solution away from him, Hongjoong scowled and snapped the laptop shut. He refused, he could never be touch starved.

Hongjoong spent all of his time in the studio after that, but that just made the situation worse. His mind was consistently moving as the itch grew stronger and stronger.

What is someone supposed to do about being touched deprived? It would be strange for him to suddenly ask people to be all over him after being so adamant about avoiding all touch for years. It appeared unsettling.

....But, when he imagined it, his skin itched in a pleasant way, and when he gave it serious thought, his pulse missed a beat. He would really like being babied for a short while but who would admit that? Whether it would be a thorough snuggles or just a quick finger-brush across his hair. He wanted it all but not just from anyone...but from one person...

...The perfect companion that'll listen to you....
.......The mother of the group
....Park Seongwha...

Something about the name just cause Hongjoongs heart to rumble. Maybe it was the sweet low voice that echoed in his head....or maybe the warm tingling touch against his skin...whatever it was Hongjoong had no control over his heart when it came to Seongwha. The thing with Hongjoong is that he grew feelings for his hyung and he didn't want to expand on it. He wanted those feelings to go away so instead of paying any attention to those ideas, he chose to try and forget them.

Obviously that didn't work out well....

As hard as Hongjoong tried to ignore those feelings, they just grew stronger to the point where Hongjoong had to pull away....one of his biggest regrets...Hongjoong missed being close Seongwha ,but he missed those burning touches even more.

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