- Sing For Me, Hyung -

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" Oh! Y-Yu—fuck!"

"Again!?" Mingi's exasperated yell sliced through the otherwise silent bedroom, echoing off the walls and startling him with its volume. He groaned, yanking at his hair in frustration, his fingers tangling in the dark strands. It wasn't just the complex study material in front of him that made focusing difficult; it was the relentless, unmistakable sounds of pleasure emanating from the room next door. Yunho and his boyfriend Yeosang were at it again, and Mingi could almost set his watch by their passionate escapades.

Mingi had tried to get used to it. Living with Yunho meant he was well acquainted with his roommate's voracious appetite for physical affection. But no matter how frequent their sessions were, the noise never became less jarring, especially during crucial times when Mingi needed to study. The fortress of textbooks around him felt like a cruel joke, each page a maze of complex information that refused to stick in his mind. Concentration was a fleeting, ethereal thing, constantly shattered by the relentless symphony of moans, gasps, and the rhythmic thumping of the headboard against his wall.

"How much sex can one person have?" Mingi muttered under his breath, cringing as a particularly drawn-out moan seemed to pierce the thin wall separating their rooms. His body tensed, each sound amplifying his frustration. It wasn't that Mingi was a prude—far from it. He enjoyed his own romantic escapades. But the frequency and volume of Yunho and Yeosang's sessions were another thing entirely. It was so insufferably loud that sometimes he'd glance around his room just to make sure they weren't actually there with him.

Even simple routines like showering had turned into tumultuous affairs. The rhythmic pounding of the headboard or the loud moans often accompanied his showers, ruining the one place Mingi thought he'd find peace. Desperate for some way to focus his mind, Mingi reached for his headphones, cranking up the volume and letting the classical music flood his senses. The melodies served as a barrier, a sonic refuge against the relentless onslaught of sounds from next door. But even with the music blaring, Mingi could still feel the vibrations from the headboard hitting the wall, slightly shifting his bed.

"Damn these cheap dorm walls," Mingi groaned, pulling himself out of bed. He walked to his closet, tossed on some grey sweats, a random T-shirt, and slides before grabbing his stuff. He had to find somewhere to study because he couldn't think with all this noise. Each day felt like a new test of patience, a struggle to carve out a moment of silence in a home dominated by passionate chaos. Mingi knew he needed to talk to Yunho about it, to set some boundaries. But for now, he had more important priorities.

As he reached the kitchen, he smiled when he saw a familiar head of brown hair peeking out from under the cabinets. "Hey, Joong hyung," Mingi called out, a hint of desperation in his voice.

"Oh sh—ouch!" The figure moaned, pulling his head from under the cabinets and popping up to reveal a slightly disheveled but smiling Hongjoong. "Oh, hey Gi. I thought you were Yunho. What's up? Where are you going?"

"Well, I need to study somewhere, and I really didn't feel like going to the library. I need to get this done, and I'm just so confused already," Mingi whined, leaning his head on the counter, the cool surface a brief comfort.

"You can use my room if you want," Hongjoong offered with a kind smile. "It's a bit farther from them, so you'll be able to hear yourself think."

"Really, hyung?" Mingi's eyes lit up with gratitude.

"Of course. I'll even help you study once I'm done here," Hongjoong said, stirring a pot on the stove.

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