-I'll Always Come Back To You-

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Being the partner of a military hero was a lot harder than it sounds. It involved patience and unwavering trust between each other, but Seonghwa never thought he would be able to do this. Seonghwa's life had always been a patchwork of heartache and longing. He had endured the sting of betrayal from unfaithful partners and the cold indifference of those who were supposed to love him unconditionally. But San became a beacon of hope in Seonghwa's turbulent world, a constant source of warmth and understanding.

When San announced his decision to enlist, Seonghwa felt a tumultuous storm brewing within him. The urge to protest, to cling to San and beg him to stay, was overwhelming. But as he looked into San's earnest eyes, he saw the determination and passion that fueled his partner's decision. He couldn't bring himself to stand in the way of San's dreams, no matter how much it hurt. So instead he became his biggest cheerleader.

From the moment San left, Seonghwa's days were a blend of pride and longing. The initial adjustment period was the hardest. Nights felt colder and longer without San's comforting presence beside him. Theit house , once filled with laughter and the sounds of their shared life, now echoed with silence. Each morning, Seonghwa would reach out instinctively, only to be met with the cold emptiness of San's side of the bed. But he knew he had to be strong, for both their sakes.

Any by doing that, Seonghwa threw himself into maintaining their connection despite the miles between them. Every day, he penned heartfelt letters, pouring his soul onto the pages. He meticulously assembled care packages, filling them with San's favorite snacks and small mementos that held sentimental value. Each phone call or video chat became a lifeline, moments he cherished deeply. Hearing San's voice, seeing his smile, even if just through a screen, was enough to keep Seonghwa going. He would replay those conversations in his mind, drawing strength from San's words and the love they shared.

The bond between them grew stronger, forged in the crucible of separation. Seonghwa learned to navigate his emotions with grace, finding a delicate balance between his daily responsibilities and the constant worry that came with loving someone in the military. Memories of their time together became his sanctuary. He would close his eyes and remember the feel of San's hand in his, the way their laughter intertwined like a beautiful melody. These recollections were his anchor, keeping him grounded and hopeful.

Now why he was able to pull his emotions together, life got a tad bit more difficult. Seonghwa had to take on the role of managing their household alone. He paid the bills, maintained the house, and ensured everything ran smoothly. The weight of these responsibilities often felt overwhelming, but he pushed through, knowing that San's sacrifices were far greater. The loneliness was the hardest part. Special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays served as painful reminders of their separation. Seonghwa would sit by the window, watching couples walk hand in hand, and ache for San's touch.

Yet, even in these moments of solitude, Seonghwa found ways to celebrate their love. He would light a candle and sit with a photo album, reminiscing about the adventures they had shared. Sometimes, he would cook San's favorite meal and eat it alone, pretending for a moment that San was there with him. These rituals kept San close.

Support from friends and loved ones was invaluable. Seonghwa cherished the letters and occasional visits from San's military comrades. Their stories and camaraderie gave him a deeper understanding of San's experiences and the challenges he faced. It also strengthened Seonghwa's resolve to stand by him, no matter what.

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