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"alongside the blue lock experiment, there is also a study which will showcase how a female athlete compares to male athletes"

ego jinpachi's words ran through your head countless times. it was nearly enough to drown out the snores and moving limbs of your fellow football players in the room.

you slowly began to wonder whose bright idea it was to stick a teenage female athlete in a small room with a bunch of teenage male athletes. it really seemed like a situation bound to go very wrong. not once since the whole blue lock experiment thing started did you feel at ease. it was obvious since the first elimination round that the other players seriously didn't like you.

'how could they,' you wondered. 'their whole football career is basically on the line..'

'but still.. was that really a reason to target and attempt to humiliate the only girl here?'

of course it wasn't.

you could still hear the way they yelled at each other to hit you with the ball. by the time the clock struck zero, you were extremely close to passing out from exhaustion. the only reason you managed to last that long was because of your agile abilities. they had been your number one companion since you started playing football- really, it was a long time before that.

with the mean glares and mutters of 'sly bitch' every now and then during dinner, you had slowly begun to miss your horrid days of ballet. the treatment wasn't all that different from now, but it was more graceful than whatever the hell blue lock is offering-

but in the end, ballet is the only reason you've grown so successful in football.

even if you've spent hellish hours redoing the same leaps and turns to appease some judges- endured countless days of having to release your anger through your routine after having been yelled at by the teachers when you messed one thing up- crying in dimly lit bathrooms because the judges gave your routine a low score after working so hard-

you couldn't help but miss those days of elegant and beautiful dancing while you muffled your cries with a thin blanket.

i'm only here because of an experiment, you reminded yourself. you've the lowest rating in all of blue lock for a reason.

just the thought of enduring players with higher ranks made you want to die. if you had been ranked 300 in the beginning, only having 299 on your shoulder now because you dodged elimination - literally - how good are the other players?

your first day was humiliating to say the least. having to shield yourself as you were forced to change in front of the others then having every single person in the room gang up on you for the sole reason that is you being a girl. it was as if half of them weren't drooling over your body just seconds before. you had known males to be downright horrible but you hadn't expected that to be your first day.

if the players you're with now act that bad, how will the others be?

more tears ran down your cheeks the more you thought about it. you wondered if it'd get better or not- even regretting not getting eliminated. this was an experiment for you to be there. maybe your abilities weren't even looked at before being i voted to blue lock. maybe they just chose a random girl to stick in the group.

you sniffled softly, finally deciding that it wasn't even worth crying over anymore. if ego jinpachi and all of japan want to see a girls worth in a male dominated space, you'd show them just how capable you could be. even if you'd have to go through hell, you'd prove that you were the best striker no matter what.

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my life in art ✿ blue lockWhere stories live. Discover now