✿ 23.

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this whole chapter is ego talking tbh but pls read bc it's important 😈😈

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"the formation of the blue lock team will center around the following six whose names i will now call out. given your overall evaluations as of this moment, these individuals rank as the top six with the goal of putting together a team in just three short weeks"

"first as the overall number one, itoshi rin" ego announced and you were sure no one was surprised. you couldn't ignore the way your heart felt at the announcement of rins name as you forced your mind to think it was pride you felt for rin.

"moving on, number two.." ego trailed off and you watched as rin not so discreetly looked over at you. you gave a confused look back but he quickly averted his gaze back to ego.

"shidou ryusei"

it was the guy bachira thought had a fake tan. your mind immediately swarmed with unwanted thoughts about him as you watched him mumble something while looking at rin.

"number three, karasu tabito.. and number four, otoya eita"

aryu's eyes were quick to meet yours as both of your eyes widened in shock. you almost couldn't believe that that guy was that good.

"number five, yukimiya kenyu"

you had to force a smile away at that one, still finding yukimiya incredibly attractive.

"lastly, number six is nagi seishiro. that's all"

"excuse me, ego" yukimiya raised his hand, "thinking about what lies ahead, i've got something of a simple question for you. what's your reasoning for putting me in fifth place? that is, what's the difference between me and first place"

'rins just naturally better' you mentally declared with a short laugh.

"among the thirty five of you, the only ones able to score a goal against the worlds select team were itoshi rin and shidou ryusei- with the exception of l/n y/n

"lastly, i used my own judgment. does that answer your question? mister four eyes model?"

'damn, this guys a model, too? it makes sense he is extremely- wait-'

"ego? hello? bowl cut guy?" you quickly interjected before he could continue. "what do you want?"

"ok so you mentioned the world whatever match right? you even said that i was amongst those who scored during that.. so.. how far off am i from top six if i was one of the only ones to score on professionals?"

ego looked off to the side and sighed before pulling up your stats for everyone to see. "oh what the fuck? ok then.." you muttered as aryu laughed quietly from beside you.

"the thing is that you're not far off at all- in reality, you'd be in the number three spot if it weren't for the backlash of having a female player playing amongst male players

"many of the executives weren't too happy to hear about a female scoring on men that are supposed to be far passed your level, so they gave me an ultimatum.

"not allow for you to appear as one of the eleven regulars or have blue lock as a whole shut down before this match was even decided"

ego allowed for silence to settle throughout the room and you scoffed. "that's bullshit! what the hell are they so afraid of?"

"that doesn't mean you won't be able to play at all" ego sighed, "while everyone else has to fight for a spot on the bench, you already have yours and you're guaranteed to play in the match. that's the best i could do for you"

you let out a shaky breath and allowed for ego to explain the next selection with a small nod.

"the top six will be separated into pairs in descending order and will be assigned a, b, c ranks to make three teams. the rest of you will decide which team to join and will be added to said teams by randomized teams of three to make a complete team of five.

"each team will have a chance to play against each other. members of the top six will play in multiple games while the rest of you have one chance to play. with a position as a regular on japans national u-20 team on the line. it's time for your tryouts!"

"however, the player at number seven will be able to play two games with the uneven amount of players. and that role is to be assumed by bachira meguru"

you didn't bother to listen to anything else ego had to say, half pissed off about what he had to say concerning you and because you didn't necessarily have to listen to the rules of the next selection because you didn't have to fight for a spot. the only thing you had to do was choose a team, which was an easy decision.

you were obviously gonna choose rins team.

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