✿ 19.

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i have insomnia so i'm writing 😍

anyway the shidou reveal in the anime had me running laps bro gah damn and not to mention the half naked sae 🤤🤤 also extremely super excited for reonagi movie and season 2 bllk 💪💪💪

also content warning because the international players suck and are annoying and i hate them (can you tell i hate them?)

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walking out onto that field with a yapping aryu by your side was the worst possible thing to happen to you. the feeling of your heart pounding in your chest wasn't exactly the best feeling ever as you could feel yourself growing more emotional. you weren't exactly sure how you could even win against the international players as they stood with cocky looks on their faces.

one of the men immediately laughed as soon as your team walked onto the field, immediately finding humor in the situation.

"see? the japanese aren't known to be muscular at all," another player said with a bored face, "now pay up that ten grand that you owe me. you lost the bet"

your gaze fell into a glare at their words, immediately picking up on their english as isagi and bachira wondered out loud about what was being said.

"you're just gonna spend it all on women, aren't you?" the man with the brazilian accent laughed. "oh, shut up. you're just here for quick cash yourelf"

the brazilian man hummed to himself before letting his gaze fall across the others before landing on you. he was immediately met with your glare and he laughed. "she's real cute. cant believe we get to win against blue locks one and only girl" he laughed once more.

"hey! who's cute?" a smaller man pouted and you immediately picked up on the argentinian accent. "the only girl here, i'm assuming" the british one sighed, "honestly, she is giving you a run for your money, kid. cant exactly say that she's ugly"

the way they talked about you made you nauseas. weren't they like 40 years old? 

"nah look at her pout. she's cuter than you all day every-"

"hey! is this game like some part time job for you?" rin interrupted and you assumed that he also had enough of their talking. "yeah, that's right!" the brazilian grinned, "obviously the only reason i'd come to a place like this would be to earn some side money in between my overseas matches" he said confidently.

now, you were convinced you were going to vomit. something about being surrounded by your first team in first selection - those god awful males - gave you ptsd involving other males or something and at this point, you were sure you'd need a lobotomy after this whole blue lock thing.

"i'm here to visit harajuku," the argentinian said, "in the motherland of cuteness, i want to tread the holy ground of harajuku"

his act and annoying voice made you want to gouge your ear drums out. 'bros like middle aged and he's convinced he's the cutest thing ever'  and you couldn't resist the urge to roll your eyes.

"yeah, keep barking superstars," rin spoke again, "but i'm gonna crush you. your little japanese sightseeing trip is gonna turn traumatic. the mere thought of japan will give you ptsd"

as rin prepared his little square up with the opponents, your eyes met aryu, who was already looking at you. and you just knew that he was thinking the same thing.

itoshi rin is so god damn fine.

feeling satisfied with your seemingly telepathic skills, both of your gazes returned to rin. not only was he even more pissed than before, but he looked about ready to fight a completely different guy now.

rin glared at the blond man as he finished speaking. you didn't exactly pick up on what he was talking about but you did pick up on his accent. you knew this guy was from spain- itoshi sae's spain. and of course rin just so happened to be a brother hater towards his brother, itoshi sae, that played in spain. how dramatic.

"huh? you being sarcastic, motherfucker?" rin spoke lowly and you were just about ready to start running laps while giggling. "eh? oh sorry! it was meant to be a compliment!" the spaniard spoke quickly. "but i mean, you guys are dedicating your lives to an impossible dream. if there's one thing you're number one in the world at, it's at being masochists!"

the disgust on your face couldn't have been more clear after he finished talking. you weren't even sure what the hell he was even talking about at this point. masochists? were you guys even playing football anymore?

"that's enough, luna" a french accent infiltrated your ears and you couldn't have been more grateful to see quite literally one of the finest men you've ever gazed upon. not only was he hot and french but he was nice and didn't look like an ugly old man. "i'm sorry, everyone. he really doesn't mean any harm"

you and aryu shared one more look, somehow reading the others mind again, before everyone collectively agreed to start the match.

the ball was passed to bachira while you and aryu lazily stayed behind, making sure to be open for potential passes, in order to watch before running in blindly. and with bachira's assist, rin easily scored the first goal of the game.

"think we should give him a reward for that?" aryu snorted as he bumped your shoulder. "you're a sick fucking perv" you nearly laughed before pushing yourself back into his shoulder. "let's just try and win this, yeah?"

the next play quickly began and ended just as quick. loki easily ran passed isagi, looking as if he wasn't even trying, and quickly got passed yours and aryu's defense, which was quickly and not so throughly thrown together, before effortlessly scoring the first goal for the world five team. the fact that it was that easy for him pissed you off.

after humiliatingly suffering from three more goals from the opposing team, everyone was about ready to give up. aryu leaned on your shoulder for support while taking quick and shallow breaths. it was painfully obvious that none of you were even close to being on the same level as the international players. the only one that was still willing to try was rin. you couldn't help but roll your eyes at how stubborn he was. even if it was the slightest bit motivating.

the buzzer indicated the start of the play and you followed rins lead. he made his way towards mr argentina, who quickly passed it to the brazilian guy, who immediately passed it towards the british guy. their tactics didn't work as aryu was already there to intercept the pass and quickly sent the ball towards rin, who was already farther up the field.

you ran to catch up to rin, despite the intense pain coursing though your body. everyone began closing in on rin and you made eye contact with him, indicating that if he was smart, he'd pass it to you.

from across the field you watched rin mouth several curse words before passing to you. your heart rate quickened as you made your way around the british guy. with the pain in your abdomen, your vision was beginning to look tunneled, making it hard to see that loki guy coming up quickly on your side to steal the ball from you. lucky for you, everything seemed a lot slower than real time, giving you the time to notice the oncoming attack before you kicked the ball up with one foot and jumping to harshly kick it towards the goal with your other foot.

you groaned in pain as your body hit the turf, but was immediately pulled upwards and into a tight embrace at the sound of the buzzer, alerting a goal. your mind felt hazy as you were pushed around into different bodies, you weren't even sure what was happening anymore.

"you've reached peak stylish," aryu gushed as he shook your shoulders, doing absolutely nothing to relieve you of your dizziness. "please do that again"

all you could give was a forced 'mhm' before being forced to get back into position and hopefully score another goal.

the play began with the buzzer and the ball was immediately passed to the annoying spanish guy as rin ran towards him to steal the ball.

you watched rin ready his defense against the spanish guy as you tiredly and wobbly made your way down the field and towards the action. rins gaze met your own just before his defense was put to shame and his opponent got passed him, scoring the winning goal.

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