✿ 28.

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nagi's lowk ooc in this chapter but whatever 😈

also this turned depressing so quick LOL i swear it was supposed to be a cutesy little chapter 💀

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you sat on one of the benches in the workout room quietly and alone. you had finally touched the stack of books anri sent for you with a note saying 'i figured you would like these. let me know! -with love anri '

the book titled 'the bell jar' sat comfortable in your hands as you flipped to the next page. to say the book interested you was the understatement of the century. you couldn't have been more relaxed while reading the book after such an exhausting day. you immediately knew that this was exactly what you needed.

"aryu said you're mad at me" a voice said and you nearly fell off the bench you were on. "jesus christ" you breathed as you held your hand over your heart. "what the hell are you trying to do?" your voice turned to an accusing tone at the sight of a bored looking nagi.

he shrugged his shoulders and you noticed how he tapped his fingers against his leg. "just wanted to know why you're mad. i didn't say anything bad to you"

"you basically called me ugly, did you not?" you scoffed, ready to go back to reading your book already. "no..?" nagi said and you rolled your eyes. "all i said was that you looked like a game character"

you scoffed once more and slammed your now closed book against the bench. "yeah right after you asked me why i look the way i do," you nearly laughed. "you're not stupid enough to not know why that would upset me, right?"

"even otoya knew that was a bad thing to say and he admitted to cheating on like every girlfriend he's ever had!"

nagi stood still for a second, the same blank look on his face until you noticed how his eyebrows slightly furrowed. if you didn't have such an intense gaze on his face, you completely would've missed the small twitch in his face. "yeah, because i've never seen a girl like you before"

"oh great," you laughed "i don't come close to comparing to other girls or those stupid pixelated princesses on your stupid game" you said, recalling how you jokingly asked him about peach and daisy from mario after he mentioned something about a video game.

"why're you just assuming things now..?" nagi asked with his hand on the back of his neck. "you're just jumping to conclusions and it's bothersome"

you didn't care to hear anything else he had to say. "whatever" you muttered and attempted to make your way passed nagi. his hand gripped onto your wrist, making you immediately stop in the middle of taking another step.

"i was talking about a different character," nagi sighed, still looking ahead as your eyes bore into the side of his face. "the one i was talking about is said to be made to perfection. that's why i said you look like that game character"

guilt immediately flooded your mind and you quickly said your apologies to nagi. "shit- i really didn't mean to act like that with you, nagi. i'm really sorry"

"i didn't notice. i only knew because of aryu" he said as he finally let his eyes meet yours. somehow, you forgot how pretty nagi was as every coherent thought left your brain.

you and nagi stared at each other for a few more seconds until there was a new voice. "leave if you aren't gonna do anything in here"

rin stood in the doorway, looking back and forth between you and nagi. "ok.. i'm gonna sleep.." nagi muttered before he left the room.

yours and rins gaze met each others and he sent a harsh glare. "leave." he said simply and you immediately glared back. "fuck you. i am doing something"

"what? making out with that loser?" he scoffed and you rolled your eyes. "are you ever like, i don't know, not a dick?" you retaliated and he scoffed once again before going to one of the benches. "no, rin. im serious. like this is a deadass question"

"quit talking to me already. i don't have time for your idiotic questions" rin muttered while grabbing a weight.

you had began to make your way over to him and you shoved his back. "well make time, then. what the hell is your issue?" rin only sighed at your words and continued putting the weights on. "i don't have an issue. i'm just busy"

"bullshit!" your voice was beginning to rise as you felt the weight of such a horrible day so clouded in your mind. you weren't even sure why you were so set on picking fights with people. all you wanted to do was go to sleep after you ended up yelling at bachira just a few hours before.

"tch. believe whatever you want," rin muttered as he placed the final weight on. "i really don't give a shit"

you felt your chest growing heavier and heavier the longer you stood in front of rin. he watched you expectedly, wondering if you were gonna leave or just stand there and watch him. his familiar and judgmental expression made you feel so many emotions at once, you didn't really know what to do with yourself anymore.

"god. everything is so bullshit," you breathed and turned around to grab your book from where it continued to sit on the bench. "blue lock is bullshit and continuing to playing this stupid sport is even more bullshit"

"i really don't give a shit either, rin" you said quietly, not even caring if he heard or not, as you walked passed the doorway and out of the room.

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