✿ 26.

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"get up, y/n. it's finally your turn to play" a voice said directly in your ear and you groaned. "don't wanna.." you muttered and slowly began falling asleep again.

"let me try" another voice said just seconds before you felt the blanket slightly being pulled beneath you. you opened your mouth to tell whoever that was to stop but you were cut off when you were dragged completely off the bed and onto the hard floor.

"what the fuuuck.." you said tiredly, wiping your eye with one hand while the other rubbed your now sore ribs. aryu stood above you with a huge grin and you glared. "oh good, you're up - or down. sorry - but it's your turn to play so hurry up"

as you looked up at aryu, you realized that you had never been more provoked to commit a crime and have his face put on a t shirt with 'r.i.p aryu' beneath it. but then you figured he'd probably like to have his face on a t shirt so you got up with a sigh. "yeah, i get it. though i don't really see why you had to pull me off my bed" you hissed. "but i get the vision. thanks for the heads up"

you walked out of the room and met up with the others in the joint stratum. with your intense tiredness, you weren't all that excited to play anymore - not to mention the insane pain in your ribs from aryu's antics. you figured that you should probably cut his bangs in his sleep.

there wasn't anyone you knew on your team but you knew that bachira was gonna be playing for the other team. at least you knew someone that was playing on the same field as you - besides rin.

you stepped out onto the field with your team and immediately made eye contact with rin. his cold gaze made you shudder as you continued walking towards him and shidou.

"aw well isn't she a cutie, huh, rin rin?" shidou grinned, walking up to you and placing his fingers under your chin to study your features. rin scowled from behind shidou and turned his head away with a 'tch' sound. "quit touching her like that- it's weird as fuck"

you felt your cheeks burn and you looked down, despite shidous slight hold on your face. "don't embarrass her like that, rin. cmon now you cant do that to a lady~"

shidou was obviously just teasing now but rin looked over anyway to see how your cheeks were turning red and how you tensed slightly. he wondered when you started getting that way - all shy and embarrassed. he really couldn't remember a time where you looked the way you did now and it was all because of shidou ryusei.

rin rolled his eyes and began walked towards the center of the field. "just shut up. let's get this over with already"

the first play began and you could already feel the thick tension on the field. not only was it the final game but shidou and rin had been stuck with each other the whole time and anyone could tell that the both of them were extremely irritated about it.

"let's see what you can do, sweetheart" shidou said as he ran at the same pace as you did with the ball in his possession. he nodded off to the other side of the field and you nodded, understanding what he meant. you obediently followed his orders and passed back and forth through the opponents until karasu made an attempt to block another pass towards you.

shidou made a chance pass and you raced with bachira, who you saw from the corner of your eye, towards the ball. you reached it first and quickly made the shot without looking or thinking clearly.

you missed the way the ball flew right passed otoyas head with a sharp left into the side of the goal. while steadying yourself, shidou came over and ruffled your hair with a huge grin. "that was a nice shot. knew ya could do that just for me"

his words made you laugh softly and you looked up to smile at him, unknowing of the shit eating grin he sent towards rin, who just so happened to be watching your whole interaction.

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you felt incredibly on edge as the final play began. not only were you guys close to losing, but shidou and rin couldn't shut the fuck up and stop arguing. it was as if this whole match was rin vs shidou and you could tell everyone on the field were more than sick of it.

the ball was passed to you by kiyora - who you had linked up with at the beginning of the match - and you had to make a quick feint to get passed bachira, who seemingly made it his mission to shut you down.

your legs were beginning to give out on you with the constant battles against bachira but luckily made a quick and steady pass back to kiyora before you tripped over your own feet. rin and shidou made their quick descent towards the goal and you got up from the ground to follow as kiyora passed it in between the top two.

everyone watched as shidou grabbed onto rins face as rin made the final goal before they both tumbled harshly into the turf. you let out an unknown sound and slowly fell into a walking pace towards rin and shidou, who were making their way towards each other.

they threw a punch at the same time and kiyora caught your eye, having the same shocked expression as you did.

"jeez.." bachira muttered as you made your way passed him before you watched shidou successfully knee rin in the face. a soft gasp left your lips as rin fell backwards and shidou prepared to land another hit.

suddenly, electricity crackled from the ceiling and electrocuted shidou, freeing rin from probably dying.

you felt an intense sting against your hand and immediately winced. shidou was now on the ground, presumably dead, and rin looked extremely pissed while he wiped his nose free from the blood, despite the neutral expression on his face.

looking down, you noticed that your hand was a bright shade of red with a few blood dots littering the area. it was easy to assume that the electricity traveled your way from how close you had gotten to shidou and from the friction created from falling into the field just seconds before the match had ended.

"you even made me use my anti riot shock," ego complained from where he appeared on the screen. you figured that 'shock' was a bit of an understatement. "now that the tryouts are over. in six hours, the regulars for the u-20 match will be announced"

'what a relief,' you sighed.

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