✿ 35.

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i hate everyone that comments "nagi???" on my like introduction part on this fic ITS SO ANNOYING STFU OH MY GOD like 😭😭 I LIKE NAGI STFU

also i'd never forget ab this fic but it's so mf hard to like make shit up to write aUgajaiidowosisoai
especially with the u-20 match like i'm deadass ab to just not write it and do a lil time skip to the end of the match 💔💔

also i head canon that bachira is INSANELY possessive soooo yeah ooc bachira this chapter 🥹

SHORT CHAPTER CUZ I JUST WANTED TO UPDATE but u-20 match will start next chapter 🙏

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"no like y'all gotta hear me out.." you pleaded as everyone looked at you with complete judgment in their eyes. "no, please.."

and as you rin walked in, you immediately asked for his aid. "you agree with me right, rin?"

"no" he glared and your mouth fell open. "you didn't even hear what i was asking you to agree with!" rin watched you pout with your words and he rolled his eyes, deciding to humor you. "what is it then?"

you smiled happily and rin had to physically restrain himself from blushing, instead forgetting to restrain the faintest smile on his face as he listened to you speak once more; "you agree that ego's kinda hot, right?"

his smile immediately dropped and he could feel his face cool down from almost blushing just moments before. "don't fucking asking me these kinds of stupid questions, idiot" he scoffed and walked further into the room.

karasu and otoya laughed loudly from where they sat on rins bed, which didn't go unnoticed by rin as he muttered several profanities in their direction, and you sat quietly, having been embarrassed by the loud laughter and somewhat lost in a trance as you watched rin.

he was looking for something, you could tell. his comb, maybe? his hair looked a little disheveled and you assumed that he was doing some kind of workout before coming into the room.

you watched as rin grew visibly frustrated, and you couldn't tell if it was because of how loud it was in his room, his safe haven, or if it was because he couldn't find what he was looking for. it was more likely that the noise was pissing him off, but it really was hard to tell when it came to rin.

"do you-" bachira unknowingly cut you off, having been louder and more confident with his sentence. "you looking for something, rin?" he asked and rin looked up at him to glare, picking up on his smug tone.

"my cleats.. where'd you put them, bangs"

the room slowly quieted down with how irritated rin sounded and you looked across the room at aryu, then isagi, who sat next to him.

bachira shrugged and continued watching nagi, who was playing his game.

rin scoffed and moved to search under bachira's bed. "i don't have them" bachira said simply but rin continued to look.

"maybe you put them somewhere..?" you tried to reason with rin but he quickly shut you down. "i'm not an idiot like you who leaves her stuff anywhere and everywhere"

with rin's words, your face fell and you sat back with a loud sigh.

"hey" bachira spoke up and pushed on rins forehead from where he sat on the bed while rin sat on the floor. "don't talk to her like that. you don't even realize what your words do to her, do you?" he said, sounding almost bitter. it seemed as though everyone picked up on the tone as you all looked around at each other.

karasu made eye contact with you and he sighed. "dude, bachira.. are you good?"

"for real.. he's been acting all weird towards rin for some reason" otoya chimed in, looking up at the ceiling lights as if he didn't really care for the situation. "i'm all for slandering people but damn.."

you listened to otoya laugh to himself and you could just feel bachira's gaze on you. despite trying to hard not to look his way, you couldn't help but meet his eyes, looking away after a second of eye contact. instead, you looked around the room, only searching for one thing.

suddenly, your mind went to the scene you watched play out in the middle of the night. you remembered waking up and seeing bachira doing something with the laundry basket that sat in the corner of the room. you didn't care to get up and ask him what he was doing so you continued laying on your bed, watching as bachira did something while muttering something else to himself.

you got off of your bed as different voices spoke and you gently sifted through the laundry. "what are you doing, y/n?" isagi spoke softly and you listened as the others quieted down, likely watching what you were doing.

at the sight of rins cleats at the bottom of the bin, you smiled. with the cleats in your hands, you walked over to where rin sat on the floor and handed them to him. "must've thrown them in there instead of your clothes, dummy"

rin watched your mouth as you spoke, feeling as his face warmed up at your gentle smile. "i didn't" he nearly pouted and you laughed. "i'm sure you didn't.." you spoke and softly carded your hands through his hair as if it were an instinct. "you sleep too little, rin. it's not healthy"

"whatever" he muttered with a blush lightly dusting his cheeks. rin got up, giving a glare to bachira before leaving the room without another word.

it was quiet in the room after rin left and insanely uncomfortable. "alright!" aryu spoke, clapping his hands once loudly. "let's go eat, y/n. i'm starving"

without another word, aryu grasped onto your wrist and dragged you out of the room. "so much for focusing on the match" he laughed and you groaned, "i know! ugh i hate men!"

"wholeheartedly agree" aryu snorted and the two of you walked in the direction of the cafeteria to share another meal.

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