✿ 33.

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BRO THE LEAKS FOR THE NEW JJK CHAPTER?????? i think i died when i saw them

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"slut!" aryu yelled as he laid his head back against the wall. "that's what i'm saying!" you said and tossed a blueberry in your mouth before handing the bag back to aryu.

aryu took a handful and slowly ate them as you got yourself situated in front of him. you left just a bit of space between the two of you as you both sat criss cross on the floor and he placed the bag of blueberries on top of your legs. "ok so, nagi swears up and down that you two are dating, bachira is extremely down bad for you, and rin is just.. being rin" aryu recapped and you nodded with a groan.

"not to mention isagi and his niceness," you whined, "ugh! it makes me sick!" the sound of your hands slapping against your face resonated through the room. "ok, now i don't see the issue with isagi" aryu said and you groaned.

"no, isagis just.. perfect, y'know? i'm the problem," you whined before laying with your head against your arms, which were pressed flat against the floor.

"jeez, you're really flexible," aryu mumbled before patting your back. "honestly, everyone just needs to let you breathe. they're acting like they've never seen a girl before"

you sighed and sat back up to meet aryu's gaze. "and that's also an issue," you said. "what if they only like me because they've been locked in here for so long? that's literally so humiliating"

aryu sighed and allowed for the silence to settle in the room. he wasn't exactly sure what advice to give you. this situation hurt his brain just as much as it hurt yours. "they're all so annoying" aryu muttered and you laughed softly. "they literally make me crave a lobotomy" you snorted and aryu looked at you straight faced before the both of you broke out into loud laughter.

"honestly, i just need to focus on the u-20 match" you sighed and aryu nodded. "i completely agree. i'll swat them away for you, don't worry, y/n" aryu said dramatically before the both of you fell into a fit of laughter again.

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the few weeks of preparation had already passed and you found that you did a great job at keeping everyone at bay around you. after a few days of not indulging in anyone, everyone but nagi had seemed pretty normal and you couldn't be more glad. you seriously just wanted to better yourself for the upcoming match.

"your leg all right, princess?" you asked while walking onto the field.

chigiris eyes lit up as they met yours and he nodded. "it's fine.." he muttered before pulling his sock back up. "is your leg all right, princess?" chigiri shot back and you shot him a glare after standing back up with your sweatshirt in your hands.

"my leg is just fine, actually" you said with a glare and chigiri laughed softly. "and you're the princess, princess" you muttered and quickly left the field with chigiri quickly trying to catch up to you. "says the only girl here" chigiri laughed softly. "you're like our princess here" he continued, likely not thinking about what he was saying as he stiffened as soon as the words left his mouth.

a small blush heated up your cheeks but reacted quickly as to not further the situation. "that was literally so cringe," you laughed, making sure to look over at chigiri to catch his embarrassed face. "shut up. i don't even know why i said that" he muttered and the two of you swiftly walked into the cafeteria to get your food.

"finally you're here," aryu sighed dramatically as you walked towards the table to sit beside him. "i could have sworn i felt my intelligence declining around.. them" he sighed, motioning towards everyone at the joint table karasu had forced isagi to make a few days before.

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