✿ 9.

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literally had a random spurge of motivation to keep writing LOL
p.s: i love nagi. hes my fav next to rin ❤️

also.. i just wanna painfully say that i think y/n is replacing tokimitsu.. 😕😕😕💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
i'm not sure if he's gonna be in the story bc i don't know where to put him 💔💔💔💔💔

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after being hit in the face by a ball you previously kicked with the intention of scoring, completely and forcefully missing the ball and landing on your face with five goals left, and nearly collapsing from exhaustion, you made it to the end of the first stage.

you walked down the hallway to another room that said '2nd stage.' ahead of you was another door that read 'next stage' and next to it was a boy.

he had his arms crossed and his eyes shut as he leaned against the wall as if he was waiting. you mirrored his position on the other side of the room and let your eyes wander to the sign above the next stage door.

'move forward in teams of three'

that sign only meant that you'd have to wait for someone to team up with you cause there was no way in hell you were gonna ask to be on a team with someone. you'd probably die out of embarrassment.

you allowed your eyes to wander back down to the boy and regretfully, you were met with his teal eyes. they were so full of boredom yet so much disgust, it was almost scary, making you immediately look away.

the floor seemed to be less scary for your eyes than he was as the both of you waited in the most awkward silence.

it seemed as though you waited an eternity before the doors slid open. you looked to your right and all you could see was hair.

"teams of three?"

you slowly stood up and immediately tensed when his eyes landed on you. your eyes and his eyes met and you slightly squinted in anticipation. his eyes slowly skimmed your face before swiftly moving passed your body and immediately towards your hands. you immediately flinched as he basically leaped in front of you and grasped onto your hands.

"real or fake?"

"huh?" you tilted your head upwards to gaze at his serious looking face.

"are your nails real.. or fake..?"

"they're uh.." you slowly trailed off and squinted once more, "they're real..?"

he quickly turned around and his hair slapped you in the face as he muttered to himself. before you could react, he quickly turned back towards you and grasped your hands again.

"we need to be on a team, 'kay? your looks are so-"

"are you idiots finished?"

both you and the other boy turned to the only other person in the room. he was only a few steps away, giving you the perfect opportunity to study him. the first thing you noticed was his god awful posture, but his pretty long lower lashes were an extremely close second. the more you looked at him, everything about him was pretty. even his height alone could've made him extremely attractive.

"you're the only other two in here and i want the best on my team," long lashes said in a bored tone, "so quit with your lukewarm interactions and follow me. you're wasting my time"

as he walked away, you instantly began to follow without a second thought. why you did without thinking? you didn't know, but you figured it couldn't hurt. his tone was so firm, you almost had to resist the urge to say 'yes, sir' before attentively trailing behind him.

my life in art ✿ blue lockWhere stories live. Discover now