✿ 32.

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"this isn't blue lock" ok??? and ur not original. now what? just for that here's a third gay little chapter from before blue lock 😈😈 (also very boring chapter sorry idk what to write)

also guys i'm lowk heavily autistic and don't understand if anything y'all say is positive or negative unless it's super incredibly obvious so sorry if i respond weird.. 💔

also 31k reads is insane y'all r so silly for that 🤭

also guys this is literally y/n in my mind when i'm writing so congrats if this is literally u (cuz it's literally me) also there was no in between for the skin tones so i just did the lighter and darker one 😕

also guys this is literally y/n in my mind when i'm writing so congrats if this is literally u (cuz it's literally me) also there was no in between for the skin tones so i just did the lighter and darker one 😕

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"remember girls, we're not here to win," you said with a grin, "but it'd be really really important if we do win. no pressure though"

with your 'words of encouragement', the mood seemed to darken even more than it had before. it's not like the team you were facing was a strong team - they weren't at all - it's just that almost everyone on your team was an almost absolute beginning- with the exception of kaia, who had played in elementary school.

"w-we'll do our best, y/n!" akane, a timid girl who had confessed her love for you just days before, yelled out a little too loud. you couldn't help but chuckle softly as the other girls around you agreed and added their bits of encouragement. "lead us to victory, captain" akari, akane's somehow hotter twin sister, said while draping her arm across your shoulders to pull you closer towards her.

'jesus..' you thought to yourself as you felt your cheeks heating up. "alright ok, whatever. let's just do our best, yeah?"

and with that, you and your team ran out on the field to face your opponents. the face off wasn't too bad as the girl in front of you made a faulty first pass, allowing for your team to steal the ball.

with your assistance, akari, who was basically your right hand man, had scored the first goal of the game. during your teams short celebration, you couldn't help but have high hopes for the game - which would soon be crushed.

and despite your teams heavy loss, you and your girls celebrated your plays.

after congratulating the other girls, your gaze traveled over towards your friends who had cheered for you during the entirety of the match.

"dude," hajime said with a harsh slap to the back of your head. "even if you guys lost, you had some killer plays in there"

mai nodded quickly with her hands pressed together. "everyone went crazy when you made that crazy weird sideways shot!" she said, trying her best to imitate the way you had barely managed your last goal before losing.

you couldn't help but laugh before your eyes wandered towards kaori, who had her gaze towards the floor while nervously cracking her knuckles.

hajime and mai shared a knowing look before smirking at you. "what?" you glared and the couple giggled like children before making their way passed you. "go get your girl~" hajime teased and you had just barely managed to smack the side of his head.

with a quick breath to steady yourself, you had cautiously made your way to kaori, who already had a deep blush adorning her cheeks. you couldn't help but laugh softly before lazily tossing your arms around her torso.

"good job out there," kaori said quietly and you looked up to meet her eyes. "i mean! i know you didn't win and all but- wait! not in a bad way, i swear! it's just-" with the pause to get rambling, you knew she had given up. "you did really good, y/n.."

you smiled softly and breathed out a laugh. "thank you, kaori" you said and she looked away embarrassed at your usage of her name. "whatever," kaori muttered before turning back your way to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth. "just please tell me we're getting celebratory food"

with the burning sensation on your face, you could only shyly nod as a response. kaori hummed softly and slowly made her way passed you to go over to your other friends.

"hey, kaori" you called out impulsively before she could get too far. as soon as she turned your way, you grabbed onto the collar of her shirt and tugged her forcefully your way. and as her lips crashed into yours in a messy kiss, you sighed out in content.

"hurry up, lovebirds! we're starving over here!" you heard hajime yell and from the corner of your eye, you could see mai leaning against hajime, dramatically holding onto her stomach.

you couldn't help but smile into the kiss as you flipped off your two other friends, pulling kaori closer towards you after a quick breathing break before leaning into her face for another kiss.

after your little make out session, you and kaori finally walked over to a complaining mai and hajime, completely oblivious of a certain pink haired woman with a clipboard that had watched your every move during your match.

my life in art ✿ blue lockWhere stories live. Discover now