✿ 27.

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also i just wanna say that i'm changing rins age bc in my mind, y/n is 16 and rins meant to be a year younger 😕 so ignoring canon facts, rin just barely turned 15, and the month is like early - mid october maybe 🤭

also we're back 😈😈 proof i'm number 1 rin fan tbh 😈😈😈😈😈

also we're back 😈😈 proof i'm number 1 rin fan tbh 😈😈😈😈😈

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after your much needed nap, you decided that it wouldn't hurt to have some food. you knew you were hungry with the way you could physically feel the emptiness of your stomach as well as the annoyingly loud noises it made. you figured some fruit would be good.

you didn't care to see who else was in the cafeteria, immediately making a beeline for the tray area. looking down at the screen, you noticed your blue lock option and your anri option.

baked chicken and onigiri or the fruit variety with chicken strips and fries. you choice was pretty obvious.

as you took your tray, you noticed rin. he looked peaceful while he ate his food, despite the bandage on the bridge of his nose and the tissue shoved into his nostril. he almost didn't seem like himself.

"kinda surprised you're not sleeping that off" you said softly after making your way to rins table. he had just shoved his last bite of food in his mouth, so you were forced to wait for his response. you noticed how he tried to chew faster, making his cheeks puff out with how much food he had. you nearly laughed at the idea that rin finally seemed his age.

rin finally swallowed his food and he gave you a questioning look, immediately taking notice to your small smile. "why would i rest? i don't need to"

your eyes trailed down to his nose where you could see the parts of his bruise that the bandage didn't cover. "well, yeah. i guess. but-" you began but rin quickly cut you off. "why is your hand like that?"

you had nearly taken offense to his tone and question but remembered that you hadn't gone to the nurse yet. you slipped your hand into your sleeve, hiding the dark red and purple mark on your hand. rins gaze absolutely terrified you and without thinking, you told him a completely unbelievable lie.

"arts and crafts with aryu," you grinned and rin rolled his eyes. "do you seriously think i'm stupid?" he scoffed and you lowered your gaze to your tray. your once heated meal had obviously gone cold.

"just got struck by egos 'anti riot shock'. it wasn't anything crazy"

rin raised an eyebrow and he had to resist the urge to scoff. "that isn't not crazy.." he muttered and crossed his arms. "shouldn't you get that checked out or something? your hand might fall off"

"what!?" your eyes widened as you frantically pulled your hand out of your sleeve. rin scoffed out a laugh and you glared with your cheeks puffed out. "i don't care if you're joking. if my hand falls off, i'm gonna kill you".

rin was close to smiling before he clicked his tongue, pushing the feeling away with ease. "do whatever you want. i don't care"

you scoffed and stepped away from rins table. "whatever. i'm going to the nurse.." you muttered before leaving your tray and walking out of the cafeteria.

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after getting your hand wrapped, you had spent the whole day with aryu, who had already made friends with nagi, yukimiya, and karasu, who also decided to hang out with you two. you didn't mind of course. karasu was just a little obnoxious, yukimiya was a bit of a know it all, and nagi was a bit of an asshole and extremely boring.

"he's just a little blunt.." yukimiya whispered in your ear while your group from earlier walked to the joint stratum. you only hummed in response, still in a bad mood from nagi's earlier comments.

aryu walked on the other side of you and smoothed down your hair. "maybe there are other prettier characters in that game..?" aryu offered but you ignored him too and continued walking. you were seriously hoping that nagi could feel your burning hatred for him from where he walked behind you.

while waiting in the joint stratum, you had somehow ended up in between otoya and karasu, who talked to each other from above you the whole time. from time to time, they'd get into a disagreement and ask for your opinion, but other than that, you remained relatively quiet.

when you thought you couldn't wait any longer, a door suddenly slid open and ego's insufferable voice infiltrated your ears. "good work out there, you unpolished gems. i believe this makes it the second time that we're meeting directly..?


otoya laughed quietly to himself from beside you and smacked karasu's arm. "bro he's wearing crocs"

your eyes trailed down to where you hoped you wouldn't see crocs, but there they were. ego in the flesh and wearing crocs.

"i'm about to announce the eleven players who will play against japan's u-20." ego said while tapping a few things on his tablet.

you could hear karasu snort a laugh from beside you and smack otoyas arm, "his ipad is probably hella sticky, too"

"bros an ipad kid" otoya said and the two of began to laugh quietly, trying their best not to be too loud. the longer you stood in between them as they giggled like toddlers, you found it more and more difficult to not laugh along with them.

"first, the number one player is itoshi rin" ego announced and you glanced over at rin. his posture was still horrible and you wondered if he noticed it or not. his expression was almost bored, it was hard to believe that just earlier he was having screaming matches and fist fights with shidou. the only proof of it was the band aid on the bridge of his nose and the faint bruising under his eyes.

now that shidou was gone, you wondered if that would make your ranking number two. you wondered if being number two would change your mindset on playing football because the football you play now just isn't as fun as the one you played before the announcement of the u-20 match.

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