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a loud sigh sounded from beside you, followed by a heavy arm falling over your shoulders. another sat in front of you, and another to the side of him.

"team z, huh?" the boy with his arm around you said loudly.

you mentally rolled your eyes but allowed a small 'uh huh' to fall passed your lips. you'd much rather go back to doing the endurance tests from earlier than have to sit through whatever bullshit the three boys had planned.

the tests were literal hell. the only thing you had going for you was your flexibility and how fast you could run. for a brief second, you contemplated suicide when your jumping and lifting abilities were well below the others. you did pilates for a workout when you were in ballet. it was calming and relaxing- a nice warm up for your leaps and turns. but now, there's absolutely nothing calming or relaxing about the yells for a competition at every new test.

"if you tell us about yourself, maybe i'll let you have some of my gyoza," number 296 grinned, "won't hurt a thing, promise"

you hummed softly while you allowed yourself to smile. number 298's eyes lit up ever so slightly and you had to resist the urge to scoff.

'no way they believe that they're getting their way,' you internally laughed.

before giving them a time to react, you grabbed a handful of your pickled daikon and smeared it into number 296's gyoza.

"i fucking hate oblivious men" you sneered before stomping off, not wanting to have to endure them any longer. you immediately made a beeline towards the showers, finally having a time to yourself to rid yourself from the filth on your skin.

as you allowed the hot water to burn your skin, you imagined what the rest of blue lock would be like.

if you didn't get eliminated, you'd be in a continuous cycle of being locked up with a bunch of males. you assumed they would all be the same, which you hoped and prayed wasn't the case.

you began to remember the voice of ego jinpachi calling the room of 300 football players unpolished gems. it was an odd term but he continued nonetheless.

"all you under 18 strikers have been chosen solely based on my criteria and biases to be here today," his voice rang through your ears, "my job is to make japan a team capable of winning the world cup"

you remembered the man with the hideous bowl cut standing up above everyone, explaining his intention of creating the best team for japan. he seemed a little fucked up in the head but at least he seemed passionate towards his goal.

"alongside blue lock, there will be another experiment. amongst us there is a girl..." he paused dramatically, "she has been invited here to test how a female athlete compares in a male infested sport. through blue lock, she will also have this opportunity."

"the last player standing... will have become the best striker in the world"

you remembered how you grew tense with his words. best striker in the world. not only was this an opportunity to increase your skill as a football player, but if you managed to make it far, you could bring a possibility of increasing the attention towards female sports teams.

the thought made you sigh out loud. it truly was unfair how differently men and women were treated in the means of the sports world. it was disheartening, but you were going to make sure to prove yourself through ego jinpachi's blue lock experiment.

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my life in art ✿ blue lockWhere stories live. Discover now