✿ 16.

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'y/n x bllk' and its rlly just unintentional rin x y/n and an extremely one sided y/n x nagi LOLOL

also sorry ik the whole passing out trope (?) thing is so cringe and overused but i fr didnt know how i was gonna finish that match bc i still havent gotten down how to write out the matches 💔

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you opened your eyes and groaned after immediately being met with an extremely bright light. as you tried to move, you immediately winced in pain at the horribly unexpected feeling in your abdomen. you couldn't help but groan once more at the intense wave of whatever it was washing over you. if anything, you were slowly but surely approaching death as you laid in the brightly lit room with the warm and comfortable bed.

instead of being dressed in your usual blue lock lounge wear, you were dressed warmly in a non blue lock hoodie, non blue lock sweats, and surprisingly, non blue lock socks. you didnt fully understand why the sock were the most exciting thing to you, but they were.

a woman walked into the room with a basket in hand and a warm smile on her face. she couldn't have been above the whole 'middle aged' age as her face held in all of its youth. she hadn't fully acknowledged you yet - only with the smile - as she checked the machines that sat neatly beside your bed. you discreetly watched as she worked but you knew deep down that she was very well aware of the fact that you were staring. she didn't necessarily blame you though as you had likely forgotten the events leading up to you waking up in the unknown room- or its what she had assumed.

after looking at the clipboard attached to her hip for what felt like the millionth time, the entirety of her attention fell on you. the involuntary gulp that sounded from you earned yourself a laugh from the woman, who was now very clearly a nurse - maybe it was from the big and bold 'nurse' embroidery on the left side of her uniform, who knows - before she further tucked the blanket under your legs to ensure your warmth. "no need to be nervous," she smiled sweetly, but how could you not be nervous under her intense stare. it was like being stared down by rin but if the threat behind the look was replaced by genuine niceness - you weren't sure exactly which one was worse.

"before i explain why you're here, miss anri sent in another package for you!" your eyes drifted to the bedside table that held pads, tampons, heat pads, energy drinks, and most importantly- candy. you had to resist the urge to immediately grab at the candy that just so happened to be all of your favorite ones. definitely not weird or concerning at all..

your gaze fell back on the nurse as she explained. "you were brought in by one of your teammates," she smiled sweetly. "by the time he dropped you off, you already had a high fever- i was surprised that you didn't pass out earlier in the game, sweetie!" you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment at the fact that you passed out. on the field. in front of not only your team, but the other team too. in front of nagi. and chigiri...

you had never wanted to die more than you did at that exact moment.

"it's all right, dear! its very common in female athletes to overwork themselves and sometimes pass out while menstruating"

"while what?" you asked with your eyebrows raised and you wondered if menstruating also shrunk the brain as it finally hit you. somehow, you hadn't realized you were on your period- even after seeing the lifetime supply of period products in the basket made especially for you. the realization quickly made you wish that you had been born a boy and you mentally cursed at mother nature or whoever the hell was in charge of the whole menstruating thing.

"oh! or on your period! im not sure what kinds of silly words foreigners use nowadays." she said with an awkward laugh. not only was the sticky feeling in between your thighs (from the blood..) annoying as hell, but this woman was indirectly insulting you as if you weren't well aware of what the word 'menstruating' was. how couldn't you have known that stupid word? it's been shoved in your face ever since you got your first ever period and it even sometimes made you feel nauseated because of your immense hatred for menstruation.

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