✿ 40.

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reminder that i'm writing ab a teenager so y/n is meant to be cringe and embarrassing sometimes 😭

also this is so rushed guys i kinda hate it sm


ummmmmm hope u enjoyed ig 🙁🙁

read my other fics for more bangers 🔥🔥🔥🔥

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otoya cheered loudly in your ear while you groaned complaints, wanting him to shut up while you kept your eyes closed to ease your headache. "we won!" igaguri's nagging voice screamed from behind you and you whined, pressing your arm over your face again. "come on, y/n" otoya said and he grasped onto your arm, forcing you up with him, not caring that you collapsed into his arms and was forced to basically carry you all the way to the others.

even if you wanted nothing more to congratulate isagi and the others, your body felt insanely weak and you just wanted to stay in that chair for the rest of the week.

you could hear bachira cheering excitedly and the others loud screams and laughter. the sound brought a small smile to your face as you were gently pulled into someone else's hold. "won that just for you, baby" karasu laughed loudly and he kissed your cheek rough, likely not meaning to.

"quit bein so rough with 'er" hiori's gentle but firm tone towards karasu made you laugh, slightly coughing since your lungs still felt awful. "hope you're ok now, y/n" hiori smiled towards you and you nodded, gently nudging his calf with the point of your cleat while sending him a reassuring smile.

"lets go see the others, babe" karasu spoke lowly in your ear and guided you gently towards the others that were still celebrating. otoya walked beside the two of you, making sure to graze his hand against yours with every swing of his hand.

the first to see you was bachira as he quickly made his way towards you with excited giggles. "we won, we won, we won!" he yelled excitedly and pulled you into a tight hug. carefully, you draped your arms over his shoulders, not able to hold him as tight as you wanted to since your limbs still felt like jelly. isagi's soft laughter was heard from beside you and you felt him grab onto your hand to trace heart shapes over your skin. "she's still hurt bachira.. be a bit more gentle"

bachira pulled away slightly and pouted at you, still making sure to hold you tight enough to keep your upright. "im sorry. didnt mean to hurt you"

you quickly shook your head and pushed your forehead against his as reassurance. "im ok, i promise, bachira" a smile spread across bachira's face at your words and he giggled once more, slightly pulling back to press a million kisses to your face.

you blushed deeply and whined in embarrassment at his actions, moving to press your face into his neck while bachira just laughed and held you tighter.

the celebration lasted even when you all sat in the locker rooms as ego spoke to the team.

"this victory was brought on by every one of you here. you have surely made this the one place in the world where football was so heated" ego spoke with the slightest hint of happiness in his voice. you didnt even know that he was capable of something like that as you giggled quietly with aryu at the idea.

ego loudly cleared his throat with a glare towards you and aryu, making the two of you shut up and straighten your posture from where you sat on the bench. "as i was saying, congratulations, you unpolished gems. youve accomplished something amazing"

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