✿ 12.

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"have you seen rin anywhere?" a voice said from above where you laid comfortably on your bed - or it was rin's? it was hard to tell after last nights events. when aryu declared your bed as his - along with his own bed - due to him 'needing more space', the sense of ownership amongst your team was thrown out the window while you begged and pleaded with rin to spare half of his bed for yourself. and if bachira wasnt such a loud sleeper, you would have quickly accepted his offer when he asked if you wanted to share his bed. the whole altercation ended up with rin storming out of the room, saying something about regretting being born.

when you woke up the next morning, you were wrapped comfortably in rin's seemingly more comfortable blanket with the scent of the younger boy lingering all around you. you didnt feel an ounce of guilt for stealing rin's bed, but after finding him asleep on a bench in the training room, you found yourself having to muffle your sobs as you had your shower for the morning.

your cheeks burned at the embarrassing memory before shaking your head no and sending bachira off on his way. while remembering the way bachira's huge grin fell completely from his face after you told him no, you began to feel even worse. you cursed at yourself and your emotional state before reaching under your- no, rin's  bed for the limited amount of sweets from anri's latest 'care package'.

an annoyed groan sounded from you as you fell back against the bed, once again allowing the warmth to engulf you. the blanket was pulled all the way under your chin as you closed your eyes. the perfect balance of caramel and milk chocolate from the candy had your mouth watering for more, but you decided against it with how tired your body felt. you really didnt feel like sitting up to sift through the basket for more chocolate.

your mind wandered to the tall, teal eyed boy as the smell of him infiltrated your nose. you wondered why he had his own different scent despite everyone using the same soaps. you began to wonder if bachira and aryu also had a difference to how they smelled. with the millions of thoughts beginning to run through your brain, a dull ache began to form at the front of your skull. a muffled and extremely high pitched whine sounded from you, who ended up completely under the blanket after your endless twitching and fidgeting to find a comfortable position to lay in. 

for what seemed like hours, you tried your best to sleep after the endurance workout aryu forced you to do during the early hours of the day. you laid yourself in many different positions and kicked the blanket off multiple times after pulling it back up to rest comfortably on your chest. after pulling the blanket to rest over your mouth for the last time, you finally allowed for the tears in your eyes to fall into a steady stream down your cheeks. you weren't completely sure why you were so frustrated, but after being so physically and mentally exhausted, you allowed any and every emotion out in hopes of it finally allowing you to rest.

and your wish was granted as your eyes slowly fluttered closed. despite your face feeling sticky and the gross wet feeling in your eyelashes from your tears, you finally fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.

and just as you got your sleep, it was easily forced away from you as rin and bachira came into the room. from your position on the bed, you saw half of aryu's body from where he slept on his two (2) beds - one which was stolen from you. your eyes fell closed once more before rin forcefully poked your ribs. you whined softly and opened your eyes to meet his stern ones.

"im not sleeping anywhere but my bed tonight," he said with a mean glare, "i dont care where you end up sleeping, but im sleeping here"

your eyes began to flutter closed as you let out a yawn. without thinking, you rolled onto your back and pulled up the blanket to offer the spot beside you. though you couldnt see it, rin's cheeks - along with the tips of his ears - grew red as he contemplated laying down or forcefully dragging you off of the bed and onto the floor. but as he felt a wave of tiredness crash over his body after his long practice with bachira, he sighed and looked down at the space you were offering him.

now, rin was tall. and since he slept on his back like a psychopath, he required a much larger space than you were giving him in order to sleep comfortably. his eyes glazed over your half asleep figure as you rolled over onto your side with your knees tucked into your chest. he nearly snorted a laugh at your fetal position, mentally declaring that you slept that way due to a lack of parental love (something sae told him on the phone when rin was eleven years old and his brother was fourteen).

rin gently sat himself on the bed before he carefully pushed your body closer to the wall to allow himself more room. as soon as he was satisfied with the significantly larger spot on the bed, he laid down and immediately closed his eyes as his mind and body grew impossibly heavy with sleep.

"we have a match tomorrow against that isagidiot, so you better be prepared." rin slurred through a yawn, and he wasnt even sure if you were awake to hear his words. he didnt wait for a response from you as he - and you - finally fell into a deep sleep; a deep sleep where neither he nor you was able to feel the way you instinctively wrapped your smaller arms around his own larger one and tucked your face gently into his side.

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