ann rizuna x reader

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Ann Rizuna only cared about two things in life. L/N Y/N and her job. The (h/c) haired girl was all the one thing she ever truly treasured and her job was something she never expected to love.

But of course, the time came where she had to choose between career and love. How she wished she could turn back time and thought it through. Because now, not only did she lose her job due to the fact that she got sent to the Borderlands, but she also lost the love of her life.

Ann never got the chance to apologize to Y/N. That night was her last memory of the (e/c) eyed girl before being sent to hell— the Borderlands. She hoped... she prayed to whoever was up there to keep Y/N safe. The events in this place are ridiculously unbelievable. She saw how countless people died just to survive the games that seemed to toy with them with such great pleasure.

Despite her chill behavior, she was frantic inside. Unbeknownst to the others, she would secretly go to the unknown, anticipating to see the love of her life. No matter what, Ann promised not to stop until she finds her. No matter what.

"Still hopeless, I see." A voice uttered beside her.

"Kuina." Ann mumbled, sparing her a quick glance before eyeing the map she was holding again. "What are you doing here?"

Kuina released a dry laugh, nipping on her stick. "Just checking up on you."

This made Ann smile for a bit. She never expected to work with the people who survived at the massive downfall of the Beach. She didn't know if all of them are friends already, but she didn't seem to care either, as long as no one's betraying the other, it's all good.

"Well, you've accomplished your task, you may go back now." Ann lowly stated, brows slightly furrowed as she examined the map in her hands.

"Hm, alright." She heard Kuina's retreating footsteps. "Also, Usagi said dinner's ready."

Her stomach growled at the mention of dinner. Sighing, she placed her map inside her bag before massaging the bridge of her nose. Deciding to join the rest after recollecting herself, she slowly made her presence known by the others.

"Oh, Ann! Come sit here." Arisu patted the seat beside him that wasn't preoccupied by anyone.

"There. Dinner is served." Usagi softly spoke, placing down Ann's food right infront of her with a small smile.

"Thank you." Ann smiled back.

"We should really go on a shopping spree." Kuina muttered with a small pout.

"Really, Kuina?" Chishiya scrunched his face in disbelief. "At this point, the only thing you'll be shopping for is visa."

"Don't be such a bummer, man, I swear I'm this close to smacking you." Kuina glared at the man beside her, showing her small patience with usage of her point finger and thumb making the blond roll his eyes.

"Shopping spree sounds nice." Usagi agreed. "Let's do that once we get out of here."

"Definitely." Arisu smiled, sipping on his soup afterwards.

Ann bit her lip softly. Shopping was definitely one of Y/N's favorite hobbies. She couldn't help but heave a sigh as she helplessly reminisced those moments with the girl.

"What's wrong?"

It took her a few moments to realize that the question was directly for her. Ann blinked for a second, mouth agaped as she muttered a quick 'nothing'. Everyone's eyes were on her and she felt uncomfortable.

"You know you can always tell us when something's bothering you." Arisu uttered, voice quite soothing to hear.

"Yes, I know. Thank you for that." That was the only reply she mumbled before finishing her dinner.

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