chishiya shuntaro x reader

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You didn't know where else to go. After that horrible game that took the lives of everyone except yours, you couldn't find it in yourself to keep going. The thought of your friends made you stop dead in your tracks, panting heavily as you remembered your memories with them at the Beach. That one place you once considered as paradise despite the hell-bound circumstances that circulated the land.

"I know they're still alive, so I should just continue." You mumbled to yourself, licking your lips soon after. Your lips are becoming drier due to dehydration, and you know to yourself that you need to drink somehow to avoid dying rapidly.

Setting it as your top priority as of the moment, you moved your feet to wherever they might lead you, anticipating a nearby store to appear sooner or later. You were starving, not to mention, dehydrated. If you don't find yourself some food and water to digest, you'll die out of starvation instead of a laser piercing through your head. The thought made you shiver, and that alone became your motivation to keep going.

Although the moment your eyes scanned your surroundings, your chest tightened at the sight. Decaying corpses everywhere, corroded pieces of structures like buildings scattered through the area, vines erupting from the ground that somehow managed to grow on the proudly standing premises.

It was an eerie sight, and the blurry vision of something white from afar weirded your entire being.

"Shit, is that a ghost?" A crease formed on your forehead as you squinted your eyes slightly to get a better view of that white thing.

It was walking. Slowly.

"No, no, ghosts don't walk like they're the main character."

You jogged slightly to catch up to the person. It was a man. He was walking with his back turned away from you. As soon as you get a hold of his familiar hair color and clothes, a scowl formed on your face. Taking off your shoe, you aimed it at his head, swiftly throwing it with all your might.

"Ah..." You heard him wince, turning around in a swift movement to glare at the person who hit him.

When his glare met your deadly ones, his eyes soften.

"Y/N." Your name slipped from his mouth like it was some sort of forbidden word that must never be uttered.


"Still alive, huh?" He smirked mockingly.

"Do I look dead to you?" You deadpanned, raising a brow.

"Nah, you look... dehydrated and starving." He chuckled to himself before bending to grab your shoe. "I believe this is yours."


"No way..." You gasped in disbelief. "He's the King of Diamonds? Kuzuryū?"

"Are you deaf or what?" Chishiya rolled his eyes.

"But... he was a former executive back at the Beach, right? Number 2 if I'm not mistaken." You were so engrossed by the sudden information that you paid no attention to his mocking question.

"That's right." He answered.

"Damn." You whispered. King of Diamonds. And Chishiya survived. Your eyes shamelessly stared at his face, narrowing it slightly as your lips form a thin line.

"Stop staring." He spoke lowly, giving you a side glance as he continued to walk.

"We should swap brains sometimes."

"In your dreams. As if I'd swap with that brain of yours." He laughed, sparing you a second glance before sighing. "Grab enough food and water that you can consume, I'll wait for you here."

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