chishiya shuntaro x reader

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"Where is he?" You frantically mumbled to yourself, looking left and right in hopes to find a man wearing a white jacket. "God, where are they?!"

Everyone was running for their lives, however, no matter how fast their feet moved, it was to no avail in escaping the Kind of Spades. They can run, but they can't hide.

"Shit," You whispered as soon as you noticed the King of Spades. He lifted up his weapon, aiming as he fired. Your adrenaline rush ushered you into running just like everybody else.

You were supposed to be with Chishiya and Kuina, but because of the numerous people running, you got separated.

Your eyes desperately searched for a certain tall woman, messy haired smart guy, short haired mountain climber, and a man with close to blonde hair. Despite you being separated from them, you know they're still alive. With those four together, they can outsmart death.

A yelp escaped your lips when you heard gunshots, you felt the bullets pushing its way towards the metallic door of the car in an attempt to pierce through your body. But you refuse to be scathed by this bastard.

With all your might, you swiftly grabbed the side mirror, carefully tilting it to see the King's reflection. Upon seeing him loading his weapon, you immediately stood up, tossing the mirror up in the air before kicking it. A technique Kuina has once taught you back at the Beach.

It hit the Spades' supposed face making him drop his weapon to fix his posture. With this, you were able to make a run towards him, attempting to finish his life already. Fury and anxiety came gushing to the pits of your stomach all at once and you were acting before you could even think of a plausible plan to somehow make it out alive.

But whatever, right? If you die today, you'll die trying to save everyone from this... person. You'll die saving your friends, if they were to find out.

With a yell, you jumped up into the air before kicking him in the stomach. The King faltered for a bit, holding his abdomen before swiftly lifting his head up to look at you. You were scared, but you refused to succumb to that feeling. In the Borderlands, there was no room for fear.

Your hands reached out for the gun, tossing it as far away as possible. His eyes followed where his weapon landed. It'll be useless anyway even if you decided to use it against him. He's wearing a bulletproof vest, and his head is completely protected by his mask. It's not also a good thing to do since you're bad at guns.

In a blink of an eye, he was already charging at you, now hand-to-hand combat is what you're good at. With every punch from him, you would duck and avoid. Crouching down, you slid your leg in a swift movement so he can fall and lose his balance.

But you failed in doing so. He jumped and tried to land on your figure. Eyes widening, you yelped as you rolled to the side. Your legs gave their best to help you stand, it was just unfortunate that the King of Spades was much faster that he caught your body with ease.

"Fuck!" You yelled, trying your best to fight him. With every punch that you throw, you silently prayed for someone to come and rescue you.

Your body froze in place when you heard the sound of a sharp object grazing against something metallic, and as soon as your eyes caught the dagger in his hand, your face paled. Your feet kicked tremendously against the cold hard ground as tears trickled down your face.

"Stop! No!" You cried out, panicking.

But he didn't listen to your pleads. You tried to fight once again, but your hands were completely refrained by his strong ones. The King of Spades lifted his hand that held the sharp dagger.

At that moment, you yelled the only name you could ever think of.

"Chishiya! Help!"

The sharp dagger pierced through your side as blood quickly gushed out from it. You continued to scream. He continued to stab you.

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