kyūma ginji x reader

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Never had it crossed your mind once to engage in any romantic relationships. You don't really pay much attention to it, thinking it would just get in the way of what you truly loved doing. But this guy... he has his way with things. He knows just the right words and actions to make you feel like the luckiest person in the world. You never admit that you like him, thinking it was just some stupid crush, not until he came rushing to your house just because he heard you were sick.

"I told you to take care of yourself." Kyūma sighed, worried. "Now, look at you, catching a damn fever." He sighed, gently dabbing the damp cloth above your forehead as you squirmed slightly at the contact.

You didn't bother saying anything, just plainly closing your tired and wet eyes as you basked in his warm presence, fingers ghosting over your skin making you feel contented right at that moment.

You felt him stop though, a frown erupted from your features, eyes slowly fluttering open. Your vision was quite blurry, but after adjusting to your surroundings, it became better. You saw his hand that was about to grip on the knob, making you shift as you slowly sat up.

"Where are you going?" With a hoarsey voice, you spoke.

"I'm gonna cook you something to eat so you can take your medicines." Kyūma smiled softly, gentle eyes scanning your face. "I'll be quick."

Nodding, you carefully laid back, closing your eyes once more as you heard the brief opening of the door before being closed again. You did nothing but lay down all night yet you still find yourself awfully tired, therefore you decided to visit dreamland, patiently waiting for Kyūma to come back.

A couple of minutes passed and you felt a presence sitting next to you as the person gently brushed away the strands of hair that slightly covered your face. Your body stirred for a second, eyes slowly opening as you met those familiar, gentle ones. He was smiling softly as he guided you to sit down.

"There we go." Kyūma smiled, taking the bowl in his hands before motioning for you to open your mouth.

"I can feed myself," You winced when you felt your head pounding.

"I know, but just this once, I promise, this once." He reasoned.

Eyeing him for a second, you did what he requested. You ate as he fed you every now and then. His cooking skills aren't bad, you finishing what he cooked proved that. A satisfied smile made its way to Kyūma's lips when he saw that you finished the soup without complaining.

"Here you go, sweetheart."

He gave you the medicine your body needed to rehabilitate your strength. Drinking it, you sat still for a moment, giving yourself some time to fully digest the food you just took and medicine you just swallowed.

Your eyes then landed on the man who was already fixing the things little by little that caused a mess on your study table beside your bed. He was silent as he worked, and that made you remember the question you wanted to ask him the moment he entered your room.

"Don't you have a performance tonight?"

Kyūma glanced at you for a moment before chuckling, "I have. But I didn't play with the band. Told them I had to take care of a certain sick person, and they most likely decided to kick their handsome leader because they want me to take care of this person."

"Wow, I wonder who this person is that held you back from performing and got you kicked out." Grumbling underneath your breath, you huffed out, avoiding his gaze.

You felt him sit beside you, laughing lightly as he ruffled your hair.

"She didn't held me back. She made me realize how much I truly care for her." He stated, a tender smile on his face. "Stop sulking and rest."

Your heart pounded violently against your chest, hands secretly gripping the sheets. You still avoided his gaze, but you know for sure that the reddening of your cheeks did not go unnoticed by Kyūma, his soft laugh being the evidence of that.

When he stood up, the bowl and cup in both hands, you have nothing to grab but the hem of his shirt.

"What is it?"

"Are you going home?" Your voice so small you were afraid he won't be able to hear it.

"Why? Do you not want me to go home?" He returned the question, genuinely curious. "Just tell me, I won't go."

You went silent for a split second, mind in a haze at the thought of him staying with you for the night. You didn't want to be alone while you're still sick, the loneliness eating your entire being making you feel even more sick.


That's all what Kyūma needed to hear, and his smile gave that confirmation away. Nodding his head, you took that as an assurance to let him go, watching as he left your room.

You softly groaned, massaging your head. You were definitely falling for the guy, hard. Rolling your tongue over your lips, you sighed.

"This is making my head hurt even more." You winced, silently praying that the headache would just disappear eventually.

You were about to lay down again when the door creaked open, revealing Kyūma. The butterflies flapped their wings inside your stomach, the violent pounding of your heart against your ribcage along with the matching pounding of your head. You just stared at him as he walked closer to your bed.

"So," He started. "Do you have any futons I can use?"

Clearing your throat, you motioned for him to get it in your closet. He nodded his head, obeying your silent order as you watched his every move.

"I can feel your stare," He mumbled, not sparing you a glance.

Your silence made him laugh, a grin plastered on his face when he turned to look at your red cheeks. Kyūma fixed his supposed bed right beside yours, heaving a contented sigh as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Get some rest." He said, tilting his head.

"Yeah." You mumbled. "I can't sleep with the lights on, I'm gonna turn them off as soon as you settle yourself. So hurry up." Laying down, you turned your back against him, covering yourself with your blanket.

Hearing him chuckle made your heart beat abnormally fast, so you shut your eyes tight, the soft sounds of something ruffling then suddenly stopping made you confirm that he's already preparing to sleep as well.

"You can turn them off now."

You turned the lamp off, feeling quite at ease for some odd reason. Despite the tiredness, you can't seem to fall asleep unlike a few moments ago. Shifting every now and then, your gaze landed upon the small alarm clock on your table.

11 pm, it read.

Carefully, you peeked at Kyūma's sleeping form, his steady breaths filling your ears making you stare at his peaceful self. Sighing, your fingers ghosted above his forehead, warily removing the strands that covered his face. It wasn't really that dark for the moonlight allowed luminance to grace upon your room, making you see the man's distinct features ever so slightly.

"Thank you." You whispered, softly caressing his cheek.

Smiling to yourself, you knew that you already admitted it. You can't lie to yourself forever, and the more you deny that fact, the more you fall for the guy.

But one thing about Kyūma... you knew he'd be worth it.

i just think he'd treat his s/o like a freaking royalty if he ever had the chance to have one 😞

requested by: itsss_meee72 ! hello, dear, i hope this warmed your lovely heart. <3

if you ever want to request, you can visit my profile and submit there using the request form link provided! see you in the next chapter!

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