chishiya shuntaro x reader

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Going home late after a rough night, you opened the door with a heavy sigh. You lazily placed your bag on the sofa along with your coat, walking towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. You couldn't really tell whether he was home or not, it was always too quiet.

You rolled your eyes, unbuttoning your dress shirt but not fully removing it. You then headed to your room, slowly opening it to check if he was inside.

"You're home." He uttered, glancing back at you with his emotionless look. "Late."

You leaned on the door frame, swallowing the harsh words you oh so badly wanted to say to him.

"You could've atleast made us some dinner."

"I'm busy, can't you see?" He replied, turning his back against you before scribbling something on his notebook.

You were tired, and he was studying. Sometimes, being too tired and stressed out can make us very sensitive, and so, not really wanting to bother him or say something you'll regret later, you fully removed your shirt. You were aware of his stare, but you couldn't care less. You grabbed a shirt from your closet before putting it on.

You didn't want to stay in the same room as him, afraid you'd take out your stress on him and cause a big misunderstanding.

"Where are you going?"

"Nowhere that concerns you."


"It's funny when you pretend like you care or whatsoever. Makes me think like you actually do for a moment. But hey, it's you, caring ain't probably even in your vocabulary." You stopped midway, clutching your shirt before sighing. You were hesitant to apologize when silence took over, but soon decided to just walk away.

"I care."

"Whatever you say."

Hurrying down the stairs, you took your bag, slinging it back to your shoulder before inhaling a sharp breath. The violent pounding of your heart and head made it slightly difficult for you to keep on walking, nevertheless, you managed to make it through your front door.

You were about to twist open the knob when he called out your name.

"Now what?" You weren't even annoyed, just plain tired.

"Are you mad that I didn't cook dinner?" He questioned. "Is that what's urging you to leave right now? Don't you think that's kind of pathetic?"

"You're so sensitive! We were just kidding of course! Don't be some pathetic loser who takes everything so seriously and sensitively."

"Pathetic?" You scoffed, eyes glistening. "Sorry if I was feeling hungry and tired after that shitty long work. Sorry if I wanted to eat something delicious that you made for the both of us. Sorry if I expected too much from you the moment I returned home." You bursted out, looking at him with teary eyes.

He could only stare in shock, mouth slightly agape as he watched you cry infront of him.

"Sorry for being so tired. Sorry for being so sensitive." Your knees weakened causing you to collapse on the floor, still sobbing. "I'm so fucking tired."

Chishiya was unable to move from his spot, it was his first time to see you break down so bad. It's been a while since the last time you opened up to him, he was busy with his studies, and you drowned yourself with work, leaving you with the littlest of time to actually spend time together.

His chest tightened at the sight. You were still crying, wiping away the tears as you sobbed, muttering how tired you are.

His feet moved on their own, silent steps he took before crouching down to your crying form. His eyes softened as he gently brought down your hands.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't look at me." You cried, shoulders slightly shaking.

"Please stop crying." Chishiya whispered, hands slowly cupping your tear stained cheeks as he wiped away the salty tears. He just wanted to see you smile again.

He felt bad. You didn't want to enter this relationship with him since you don't want to be a hindrance in reaching his goal, but he insisted that he wants it with you. Now that he finally had you, he didn't realized the pain he was causing you.

"Don't invalidate yourself, Y/N." He muttered, continuing to calm you down.

"I know. I won't anymore." You sniffed, removing his hands away from your face. You wiped away your tears before standing up.

"You're still going to leave?" He sounded helpless. When you remained quiet, he stood up, reaching out to grab your fingers. "Please don't leave me."

The plans of leaving him vanished the moment he cupped your cheeks, you just wanted to head out and buy yourself an ice cream, but you can't bear to miss the words that will escape Chishiya's mouth. You didn't want to lie, so you just stood quiet.

"I'll cook you your favorite meals from now on. I won't make you cry anymore. I'll greet you every time you come home, whether it's already late or not. I won't hurt you in any way, God knows I can't and don't want to do that." His breathing got ragged. "Just please, I beg you, don't leave me. I can't... I don't know what to do if..."

He was never the one to communicate his feelings, he finds it difficult to do so. But if this is what it takes to keep your relationship going, he doesn't mind doing it. He's willing to do anything, and you can feel it even though he rarely says it.

Licking his lips, Chishiya held your hand, squeezing it for a moment before slowly letting it go.

"But if you really don't want to see me right now... I understand. I'll wait for you to come back home."

With every words that left his mouth came in the knives that pierced through his heart a million times. As much as he wanted to plead for your presence with him, he was willing to let you go for your peace of mind.

Pursing your lips, you exhaled a shaky breath. You slowly wrapped your arms around his torso, laying your head on his chest. He was frozen for a moment, unable to move but just breathe heavily as he decipher what you're currently doing.

"I'm sorry." You whispered. "I'm not leaving you. How can I? You're my home. You're my peace."

His eyes softened, heart beating fast as he wrapped his arms around your figure. Tightening his hug, Chishiya exhaled in relief, closing his eyes as he breathed in your scent that he loved so much.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing. You don't deserve the bad things, Y/N. I'm sorry." He muttered. "I love you, my safe haven."

so... when am i gonna get treated like a safe haven?

requested by: crazygirl49

goodness, i hope i mentioned the right account, it'd be embarrassing if i got it wrong T___T anw, hope you enjoyed this, peeps! see you til the next update!

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