niragi suguru x reader

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"Y/N! Stop running around, sweetie, you might hurt yourself! Oh goodness, this kid, seriously..." Your mom sighed in frustration, massaging her temples.

"Look, mommy! I'm a superhero!" You giggled, holding up your arms before running around, making superhero noises around the park.

"Yes, now get back here, little superhero." Your mom couldn't help but laugh a little. You were a headache, but you were your mother's favorite headache.

"No!" You grinned, turning back to look at her. And before you could even run again, you bumped with someone, falling onto the ground. "Ow.."

"Sorry!" A male voice caught your attention. When he held out his hand, you gladly accepted it, he was nice enough to help you stand up and so you made it to the conclusion that he's a nice person.

"It's okay! I wasn't looking where I was going anyway! What about you, are you hurt?" You worriedly asked, fiddling with your thumbs. "I'm sorry."

"No, I wasn't. I'm okay! What's your name?" He asked, smiling. He was a tad bit taller than you but he seems around your age.

"My name? Oh, it's—"

"Y/N, sweetie, are you okay?" Your mom appeared behind you. "Oh, and who might you be?" She then turned to the boy in front of you.

"H-Hello, ma'am, my name is Niragi Suguru." He shyly responded.

"Well, Niragi, are you a friend of my daughter?" Your mom sweetly smiled.

"Oh, I haven't asked him that!" You grinned, walking up towards the boy. "Do you wanna be friends?" You held out your hand.

Niragi looked at it before smiling and nodding. He took your hand and shook it. "I do."


"Y/N, let's play!"

"Can't right now, I'm doing my homework." You pouted, looking down at him from your window.

"Aw, man!" He groaned in disappointment, then his eyes lit up again. "I know! I'll help you with your homework so we can play afterwards!"

"Sounds like a plan. Come on!"

A few moments later, Niragi entered your room with a huge grin. True to his words, Niragi did help you with your homework. You both went to different schools, but that didn't stop either of you from seeing each other from time to time.

"Hey, sweethearts, I got you some snacks."

"Thanks, Mrs. L/N, you're the best!" Niragi smiled.

"Thanks, mom." You grinned, kissing her cheek.

"Alright, finish your work so you can hangout already. I know how much you've missed each other. After all, Niragi was excited to see you again, Y/N."

Niragi's face flushed as he laughed awkwardly.

"Aw, that's sweet!" You wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him down before ruffling his hair. "I missed you too, you know?" You giggled.

"I'll cook us some dinner. Niragi, darling, feel free to eat with us. I'm sure your aunt will be working late again like last time."

"Sure, Mrs. L/N. Thank you so much." Niragi smiled politely.

As your mother walked away, you and Niragi went ahead to finish the remaining questions from your homework.

"So that's basically how you do it. Do you get it now?" Niragi asked as he explained, smiling slightly when he saw you scratching your head in confusion.

"That's so complicated." You frowned, a small pout visible on your face as you tried your best to understand what he just taught. "Is there any other way to solve it?"

"None, I'm afraid." He grinned. "I don't mind teaching it again."

"Sorry, this is not really my best subject."

"Don't worry about it." I'll help you as long as you want me to. "Okay, so, let's start from the beginning..."


"What's with your face?" You irritatedly asked.

"Beauty." He muttered, going to the fridge before taking out a can of beer. "Why are you so irritated?"

"Don't act like you have no bruised cheek and busted lip, smartass." You sighed, the irritation fading away. "What happened?"

"I got into a fight."

You hummed, rolling your eyes. "Obviously. Be more specific."

"I got into a fight with your toxic, ugly ex because he's bitter upon realizing the fact that you love me now and not him."

You creased your brow, eyes slightly widening. You froze for a moment as a short pause echoed within the room.

"He... He started it." Niragi pouted slightly before avoiding gaze. "I just ended it. How did you even manage being with him anyway? Seriously, he's so self-centered! Arrogant, even. He's mad because what? I'm treating you the way you should be treated and he can't even do that?! I swear to God, one punch isn't really enough—"

You hugged him, wrapping your arms tightly around his torso. He completely stopped talking, comprehending what you're doing, however, he didn't hesitate to hug you back as soon as he realized you're hugging him.

"What? Is something wrong?" Niragi worriedly asked, stroking your hair softly.

"Thank you." You muttered in his chest.

"For what?"

"For existing." You hugged him tighter.

"I should be the one thanking you for that." He chuckled, lifting up your chin so you could face him. "You keep me sane. I don't know what I'd do without you. Literally. I could be a criminal right now, who knows?"

You laughed at his joke, smiling tenderly.

"So, who won the fight?"

"I did." Niragi smirked proudly. "Just one punch and he's out cold."

"That's my man." You pecked his cheek. "Come on, let's fix that face."

As soon as you pulled away from the hug, he hugged your back, deterring you to your spot.

"I love you." He whispered, kissing your temple. "I love you, Y/N."

Rubbing his arms, you smiled. "I love you always, in all ways."

yo, guys, been a while ;) this was also a request however i forgot the username i'm sorry!!

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