chishiya shuntaro x reader

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Trust is hard to earn at a place such as this, but it is something you can easily break. You've watched how such things unfold right before your eyes. How vile humans can be just to live and escape death. It's nothing new to you, but it still disappoints you at some point whenever you encounter such instances.

You sat at the far corner of the place, head leaning against the cold wall as you await the game that will surely test each individual's humane thinking. You refused to give a single damn about them, either they die or you die, no point in making friends.

At times like this, it's better to be observant of the people around you. And it seems like you're not the only one who found the idea quite safe to do. His sharp gaze shamelessly pierced right through your slightly taken aback ones. He seemed like the intelligent type, someone you wouldn't dare to mess with.

You silently watched and listened althroughout the entire time before the game could fully begin in a proper way. You'd be lying if you'd say you weren't nervous.

"Wanna pair up?"

Slowly turning your head up, you stared in awe when he tilted his head, few blond strands falling to his side as he held out his hand for you to grab.


"Alright then."

He retrieved back his hand, placing them inside his hoodie pockets before walking away. He scared you. He looked like the type to kill you if needed, but not physically, just the type to literally drive you crazy until you kill yourself.

You knew it was bad to think ill of others, but this is the borderlands, everyone is dirty.

Given an alloted time to 'trust' and cooperate with others, you used the moment to explore the place, smiling slightly when you reached a certain storage room full of food.

Brushing your fingers against the packed biscuits, you had difficulty in choosing the one you really want.

"I'd recommend this one."

Jolting slightly upon hearing the voice, you turned to see who the person was. He was the same guy from earlier, the one who asked you if you wanted to be paired with him.

"I'm not really hungry anymore, thanks." You smiled fakely, attempting to walk away but incredibly failed.

"You can keep on avoiding me, but it'd be like letting go of an opportunity that will save you from this place. You're on your own, and this game requires another person for you to live. Do you really think you'd be able to guess your suit correctly each round?"

Your heart dropped at the pits of your stomach. His words circled around your head, messing with your thoughts and desire to live.

Breathing heavily, you turned to look at him. He sighed in satisfaction, standing properly as he smiled.

"I'm Chishiya."

Hesitation was clearly visible on your eyes, but you responded nonetheless.


You couldn't really guess what Chishiya wanted from you. You were just someone who's trying to survive like the others, and he seemed like the kind of guy who would take an interest in a girl quite opposite from you. So... why?

You were hesitant to ask him, afraid you might strike a nerve or something.

"Hey, you got Clubs." Chishiya whispered, grazing his fingers above your skin, sending shivers down your spine as you squirmed underneath his cold hands. "You okay?" He lowly muttered, dangerously close to your ear.

Chishiya smirked when you froze underneath his touch, unable to move nor answer properly.

"I won't be able to survive this round if you just stand there and ignore me again." He continued, the smirk never leaving his lips as he eyed you dangerously.

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