queen of spades x reader

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"There you go again."

You jolted upon hearing her voice, immediately standing up to greet her.

"Hey," You smiled. "Ready?"

"I'm ready as I'll ever be." Lisa responded, crossing her arms above her chest. "Are you?"

You badly wanted to lie and say yes, but the words got stuck at the back of your throat, making it difficult for you to form the right response. Humming, Lisa sat down beside you, eyes admiring the stars that twinkled in the dead of night.

"You're worried."

Yet again, no response from you.

"We'll get through this, I promise."

"How?" You snapped. "Lisa, you're... you're the Queen of Spades. If you back out from this, you'll die." Breathing heavily, you harshly wiped away the tears that cascaded down your cheeks. "I can't let you die."

Lisa said nothing, knowing deep down inside that your words are true. She agreed with what Mira said, be the Queen of Spades until someone is brave enough to defeat her. She feared that any time soon, that someone would come and kill her, but she didn't fear that. So what if she dies? It's you she worries about. What will happen to you if she dies?

Shaking away the thought, Lisa gently held your hand, a soft smile plastered on her face.

"I won't die, and neither would you." She whispered, hair dancing behind her back as the breeze softly kissed your faces.

After that talk with her, you felt slightly better, masking up your worry with a cold expression. Checkmate is the name of the game, four players on the Queen's side including her, and sixteen members on the Challenger's team.

This was the second time you ever played this game with Lisa, and every time, you constantly worry about her well-being.

Listening to her speak, you stood quietly with the others, fidgeting with your fingers. In front of the others, she was so menacing and scary, but with you, she's a different person.

"Wear the vests, and let the games begin."

You can almost see the smirk forming on Lisa's lips, she was pretty confident that everything will turn out fine. You wanted to feel confident too, but there's something about the night's air that made you felt uneasy. Like something bad's gonna happen.

"L/N, let's go. Two more minutes until our turn." One of your teammates tapped on your shoulder, face serious.

"Oh, right..." Unsure whether to follow him, you took a deep breath before hearing the screen announce that it will now be your team's turn to chase and tag.

Five minutes for the Challenger's team ended and it was now the time for the Queen's team to attack. Your eyes glanced upon Lisa's competitive figure, sighing when her hungry eyes fixated on the players. As much as you want to feel bad for them, you're also just a citizen as well, thriving to survive... just in a different way.

"Five minutes, start!"

Only two minutes have passed and you already tapped on three players. The color of their vests turning from blue to red, indicating that they are now pawn of the Queen as they play for the next round.

"No!" The man yelled as he had a hard time standing up, body experiencing electroshock, mouth releasing heavy breaths and groans.

"If you're smart enough, you'll see to it that standing by the Queen's side will help you survive." You lowly uttered, lifting him up with ease to make him sit straight. "That's what you aim for, right? To survive."

He was reluctant at first, but soon after, he nodded his head. People will really do whatever it takes to survive.

Saying nothing after that, you left him. Running downstairs to tap on more players. If you do this, they'd still be able to survive. Fighting against Lisa is a choice you wouldn't dare to do, so better just side with her til the very end.

"Five minutes, ended. Challenger's Team, 11. Queen's Team, 9." The screen announced, showing the amount of members the Queen took in a span amount of five minutes.

Another set of time was given for the Challengers, and of course, due to the manipulation, those who were previously on the Challenger's Team, cowered within the Queen's wing. You can clearly tell how frustrated the Challengers were getting for not being able to succeed, and how fear would occassionally plague their minds.

"Five minutes, ended."

Determination flashed within your eyes as you steadied yourself to run. Your only goal was to turn their blue colored vests to red no matter what.

Time went on, both teams taking turns in attacking, chasing, and tagging. Your team was winning, of course, stealthy spades players altogether was all it took for you to outnumber the other remaining players.

Until the last five minutes remaining was given to the challengers. It was only fair, to be honest. You were confident enough that they will just give up considering that they're only four people left, including their chosen King. You felt guilty for being happy that you won and survived, but it can't be helped.

A land where you must fight for your life.

A land where your loyalty, love, and friendship will be tested.

That's how you find yourself running towards Lisa.

You know you'll die once you push her aside and let your own button get pushed. But this is what the borderlands is. You live yesterday, you die now.

Feeling the electricity within your nerves, you yelled in pain, body getting paralyzed as Lisa held your frame in shock, the others gasping when they realized the forsaken ending you two will have.

"Y/N!" Lisa trembled, hands shakily caressing your cheeks as her eyes widened in fear.

Your once red vest turned to a blue one, and the time period of the game has ticked to its end.

"No, shit, no!" She continued to cuss as tears freely made their way out of her dark eyes. "Please, no..."

Giving a weak smile, you tried to hush down her voice, trembling hand making its way to her face.

"Keep on living, Lisa." You weakly muttered, softly cupping her tear-stained cheek.

"Game cleared for the Queen's Team. Game over for the Challenger's Team."

Panicked cries echoed from the remaining Challengers as they tried their best to escape, however, one by one, their lives met the same fate.

Lisa panicked, shaking her head vigorously, not wanting to accept the fact that you, too, will be meeting the same death as theirs. Horrified, she continued to yell.

"No, not Y/N, please, I beg you!"

"Lisa..." You whispered. "Let go. It can't be helped." Smiling softly, your eyes glanced upon the red dot forming in the sky.

Then, you closed your eyes, and they never fluttered open like they once did.

me pretending to understand every game's rules and mechanics just to look smart 🤡🤡 anw, finally done with this request! notausername16 i hope i mentioned the right account 😩

if you have further requests, feel free to submit them on the link provided on my profile!

all your requests will be published shortly, stay tuned!

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