chishiya shuntaro x reader

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Your head was pounding, heart racing terribly fast, and your knees were about to give up. You have not the slightest bit of chance to even format an escape plan on your mind, just deliriously hoping for a certain miracle to happen. Your eyes would ever so often scan your lifeless surrounding, anticipating to catch a particular object to help you escape or just live for a little bit longer.

Everything was spinning, but you won't let him have the pleasure of ending your life. You've gotten this far already, there's no way you're letting any of these monsters win.

Just a little bit more, Y/N, just hang on for a little bit more.

Gaslighting yourself that everything's gonna be okay at some point is definitely not working as of the moment.

Your eyes then landed on a vest; a bulletproof vest to be exact. Where it came from? You have no idea. Will you use it? Definitely.

You swiftly snatched the vest on the ground, harshly checking the thing for some sort of damage. Upon realizing that it was a life-saver, you almost cried out of joy. But of course, the joyous moment had to end, he had to fire his gun aimlessly.

"Shit." You flinched, trying to run even faster when a bullet almost pierced through your body.

A bridge came insight, you didn't know where else to go, and so you ran towards it, lifting up your shirt before throwing it above your head. You sat on the farthest corner of the dark area, heavy breaths escaping your lips as you swallowed thickly. You hurriedly attached the vest on your body, making sure to secure it tightly to avoid getting shot directly at your body. When you finished inspecting yourself, you immediately grabbed your shirt before wearing it again.

You examined your now dirty loose shirt, seeing how dried blood designed the before white cloth. Despite your intrusive thoughts telling you to smell it, you fought back by shaking your head, you have better things to do.

Like form an escape plan.

And also find your friends.

"It'll be one hell of an adventure." You sarcastically muttered to yourself, chuckling dryly before pushing yourself up.

The eerie silence of the place bothered you a lot. You have to start running again. There's no time to tend to your sore legs' plead to stop even for an hour, and so you ignored the aching of your feet. Either you die or you survive, those are the only choice you have.

You continued running, wanting so badly to live. Screams and gunshots penetrated your sense of hearing, and that's when you knew you're at the right place, unfortunately.

Corpses scattered all around, their bloods splattered on the ground. What a sight.

"Help! No, no, please—"

You winced upon witnessing the woman's tragic death, a bullet through her forehead. Not wanting to meet the same fate, you ran once more.

"I hate this goddamn place." You uttered in frustration, beads of sweat cascading down your forehead.

"Y/N? Shit, Y/N, over here! Hey!"

Your feet immediately went to a compelete stop when you heard that voice. It felt like years, but in reality, you just got separated from them a few hours ago.

"Arisu!" You yelled back, running to his side.

"I'm glad you're okay." He managed to say while running.

"Surprisingly." You responded, chuckling. "He's using grenades now?!"

"Shit." Arisu grabbed your wrist as he took a swift turn, the both of you hiding behind a tossed car. "Listen to me, Chishiya strictly told me to get you to him if ever I found you first. At this rate, however, we won't be able to make it if the two of us will make a run for it."

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