chishiya shuntaro x reader

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"Happy birthday, Y/N!"

"Happy birthday, babes!"

"Happy birthday, best girl!"

Their voices all blended together, having one goal to greet you a happy birthday. You couldn't contain the smile that erupted from your lips, especially when you saw Usagi holding out a delicious cake. Your favorite.

"Dude..." You covered your face in embarrassment when Arisu decided to film the whole thing. "I look like shit, put that away."

"No! We have to remember this special day! Congratulations on passing your bar exam, and happy birthday, L/N!"

Your eyes glistened with tears as you clasped your hands over your mouth. Everyone was here. Everyone. Except for him.

"Hurry, blow the candle!" Kuina chirped. "One, two, three! Happy birthday to you." She sang, clapping her hands. "Sing or I'll choke you all to death."

Usagi smiled cheerfully as she held out the cake, bringing it closer to your face. You waited patiently until they finished the birthday song, Arisu capturing what he thinks was one of the best night ever.

As soon as the song ended, you blew out the candle, but of course, not forgetting to make a wish.

"Way to go, birthday girl!" Kuina cheered.

"It's your special day yet he's not here?" Ann suddenly spoke, seeming irritated. And you know exactly what she means. "What a fuck-stain."

"Ann." Kuina clutched the short-haired girl's shirt.

"Maybe he's just busy?" You weren't quite sure as well at this point. You tried contacting him, but he won't respond to any of your messages or calls.

"If I were you, I'd break up with that blondie." Niragi scoffed. "If a man wants you for real, he'll definitely make you feel it. Not showing up on your special day? Ain't that enough to make you grasp the idea that he doesn't care about y—"

"Alright, that's enough." Usagi stood up, sighing. "Let's not intervene with Chishiya and L/N's relationship. It's theirs to fix."

"Her problem is our problem, too." Ann spoke, sharp gaze glancing at Usagi.

"Let's just... eat some cake." You smiled, trying to seem positive. But you know Ann and Niragi were right.

Chishiya was never the one to show affection, you respected and understood that. After all, when you first started dating him, he showed even in the littlest ways that he cares. That was all that mattered to you, you never asked for more. Because you love him.

Hours passed and you tried to enjoy the night with your friends; playing and drinking, but you swore to never get drunk since you'll still be driving home.

"I... I am... I don't know who I am. Who am I?"

"Drunk, that's what you are." Kuina snickered at Niragi who was having trouble with balancing himself.

"Oh! Right, I'm drunk." He chuckled, downing his vodka once again. "This water tastes funny."

"Enough." Ann rolled her eyes, snatching Niragi's drink before pushing him down the sofa. "I'm not bringing this one home." She pointed at Niragi.

"It's okay, I got him." Arisu smiled.

"Thanks for everything, guys. But I need to go home now. It's getting really late." You stood up, flashing a soft smile.

"Oh? Going home? Me too! Come on, let's go home!" Niragi suddenly sat straight, but it was obvious that he's still drunk.

"So childish." Ann clicked her tongue, but a drunk Niragi sure does amuses her in a way. He acts different when he's hella drunk, like a teenage boy who's free from problems.

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