enter the dark

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the darkness started at the very beginning, kai grew up as a normal kid until the age of 7, the masters of time took kai's family away, they took his parents and even his little sister who was only 4. with no one to care for him he let the darkness consume him, at the age of 12 garmadon found kai and took him in as his own. Garmadon could see the destruction kai could bring, eventually Lloyd came along but that didn't affect Garmadon he was to busy working on his new weapon, teaching him how to control those flames and the difference between good and bad.

end of flashback

kai was sitting out in the cold winter air, looking over the old city of ninjago, looking through all the windows at the happy little family's wondering 'why not him' , 'why couldn't he have a loving family'. God he hated them, they made him feel so much remorse and hatred. Garmadon quietly walked out behind kai gently putting his hand on his shoulder, "it's time to start, everyone will regret hurting us" he said looking over the land. Kai stood up next to his master, "they will regret everything"

 Kai stood up next to his master, "they will regret everything"

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with master wu and the others

with out meeting Nya and Kai the other 3 ninja continued to train under master wu. Cole, Jay and Zane became ninjago's new hero's, the 3 gathered the 4 weapons of spinjitsu, which obviously brought up some questions.

"master why are there 4 weapons, yet only 3 of us?" zane asked with an almost dead voice

"yeah sensei, is there supposed to be 4 of us, where's the other guy?" jay said almost instantly

"master, if there is supposed to be 4 why have you only gathered 3, shouldn't we have all trained together?" Cole asked as the leader

the 3 ninja all looked to their master for answers but we're not expecting the ones they were given, master wu looked at them all and continued to answer their questions. "yes there was supposed to be 4 masters of the elements, Master of Earth, Master of Lightning, Master of Ice and lastly the Master of Fire, but when i went to find the master of fire he was nowhere to be found, to this day i am still on the look for him, his name was Kai smith" and with that he left for the ninja to talk amongst themselves

"i wonder why sensei couldn't find him?" Cole was the first to speak, "maybe something really bad happened to him? we should try look for him" jay said with enthusiasm, "i agree, we cannot be a team and take down our enemies if we do not have everybody present" zane stated. that following afternoon zane entered the dining area where Jay and Cole we're waiting for him. "i have gathered all the information on this kai smith" he said laying out the pieces out for them to see, Cole picked up a picture of what seemed to be the boy in a mugshot and couldn't help but stare at it, it was as if he had fallen in love at first sight.

 "i have gathered all the information on this kai smith" he said laying out the pieces out for them to see, Cole picked up a picture of what seemed to be the boy in a mugshot and couldn't help but stare at it, it was as if he had fallen in love at...

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there was something about his amber eyes and brunette spiky hair that Cole couldn't take his eyes off, "Cole, hello, Earth to Cole" jay said waving his hand in front of his face, Cole shook out of his trance and back at the others. "oh sorry guys,what were you saying Zane i kinda zoned out", "i was saying that from these articles it seems like he has had a couple run-ins with the cops until about 7 year's ago where he went missing" zane said scanning through the files. "i wonder what happened to him, not just to go missing but why cause so much mischief" jay said rubbing his chin, "also there is record of him having a family but they haven't come up since he was 7 which was 12 years ago, nothing is shown about them especially his younger sister Nya" Zane continued.

jay picked up the photo Cole was looking at and examined it, "he is one scary looking guy, is that blood on his face or charcoal?, how would we be able to bring him onto our side, it looks like he has been through a lot" he said to the group.

"something about this seems fishy" Cole said out loud, "i think we should get to the bottom of this in case something bad happens", both Jay and Zane agreed.

"good we can start looking tomorrow around his old house" he said looking at the picture of kai once more.

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