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Nya and Kai grew closer to the door and with every step Kai's heart raced and his palms became more and more sweaty . Nya could sense the uneasiness in kai and held onto his hands closets to him, "ok let's do this" she said pushing on the door slightly. "wait, maybe you should go out there first and tell them about the fight and i'll come out" kai suggested.

Nya thought about it and agreed that it would be the best way to tell them, "ok, you stay here while i go out there and tell them, make sure your listening for your que" Nya said getting closer to the door and pushing it open. she continued to open the door and walk out to see her parents sitting on the porch drinking their tea, "oh, good morning love, how was your sleep?" Ray asked his young daughter, "good morning, i had a good sleep, but my arms and legs hurt" she said holding onto her arms and standing in front of them.

"is it caused from the fight yesterday?" Maya asked, "yeah it was intense, actually that's what i'm out here to talk to you guys about, something... happened during that fight that i need to tell you" Nya said getting closer to them both, "of course honey you can tell us anything, oo is it about that boy you have been getting closer to?" Maya asked. "WHAT no, i, he, no it's something about, kai," Nya said and that seemed to shut her parents up.

"so you know how his body got possessed by the soul of his great x100 grandfather Elio, well he was the one we fought yesterday, and something else happened" Nya said softly and she pointed towards the door and it began to open and there stood their tall, brunette son who they had lost so long ago. "mum, dad, Kai is home" Nya said running up to kai and hugging him tightly.

Ray and Maya sat there stunned, they didn't know what to say, they silence became uncomfortable for kai. "h-hey mum and dad i-" was all that he could get out before being tackled to the ground by his parents, "oh kai, i'm so sorry we weren't there to protect you" Maya sobbed, "it's good to see you son, i'm glad your back with us" Ray said trying his hardest not to cry but there was no use the tears were rolling to fast. Kai was no better.

the smiths all just sat there huddled together on the floor for a solid 10 minutes, eventually they pulled away from the hug and wiped away their tears. "kai, you look so grown up since all that time ago, i'm sorry we left like that, you see we were taken and hostages by Krux for fordging the time-blades and we tried to escape back to you but we-" Maya tried to explain but was cut off by Kai, "mum, it's ok, all of that's in the past now, i'm just happy that we're all back together-" and then Kai was also cut off by the sound of his stomach growling and his face grew red.

"well that ruined the moment, man i'm so hungry i feel like i haven't eaten in days, i guess i haven't really, i'm going to go get some food, Nya you wanna come with?" Kai said out loud, Nya shock her head slightly, "i'm not to hungry but i'll catch up later", "oh well more for me" he said walking in through the door. Nya, Maya and Ray all sat there peacefully, "Nya dear, why didn't you come tell us earlier, we did see you after it happened right?" Maya asked.

"oh, well, umm, i'll be honest, i was afraid of how you would react or how Kai would react" Nya said bringing her knees up to her chest, "why would you think that?" Ray asked her putting a hand on her back. "i don't know, there were a lot of emotions everywhere and i just  wasn't thinking straight, and also that fact that kai passed out asleep and i was worried you would go and wake him up" Nya admitted.

on the way to the kitchen Kai began to win about something quite peculiar, who changed his clothes? 'i do remember before i passed out i was wearing my old clothes that Elio chose and now I'm wearing still wearing my pants but who's jumper is this?' Kai asked himself. when Kai entered the kitchen he was greeted by the 3 ninja who he had fought long ago.

"look who's finally up" said the small but definitely not the quietest one, Jay, "greetings Kai, are you hungry? i'm just cooking up some bacon and eggs now" said the tall and pale one, Zane. and the last one to greet him was Cole, he had dark skin and his hair was the same colour. "h-hey Kai, who was your sleep?" Cole said trying not to make eye contact with him after what happened yesterday. "hello, um yes please to the bacon and eggs and i actually had the best sleep i have had in a long time" Kai said pulling up a seat at the side bench

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