Morning after

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Cole struggled to wake up, he laid there for minutes just trying to open his eyes.  When he finally did the sun was so bright he went partially blind for a few minutes and he had to sit up to get out of the sun. He slowly looked around his room, memories from the night before flowing through his mind. He got out of bed much to his dismay, all Cole wanted to do was lay in bed for the rest of the day, but that was not an option for a Ninja.

He got dressed into some lazy workout clothes and walked out to the kitchen where Nya and Zane sat talking and eating their breakfast. Cole walked past them not noticing they were there, he grabbed his cup and filled it to the brim with coffee and began to chug it down. Nya and Zane watched in disbelief, "wow there Cole you should slow down otherwise your going to choke!" Zane called out to Cole. He looked over only having noticed them, "oh yeah sorry Zane, I didn't get much sleep I had to uhhhhhh-" Cole paused, 'shoot I can't tell them, I don't think Kai wants them to know'

 He looked over only having noticed them, "oh yeah sorry Zane, I didn't get much sleep I had to uhhhhhh-" Cole paused, 'shoot I can't tell them, I don't think Kai wants them to know'

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"Earth to Cole? Are you good? What happened last night?" Nya asked, "I-I can't remember, I must be really tired" Cole scratched his head. "You must be exhausted then if you can't remember, if would like, you could join me for my morning run" Zane added picking up his and Nya's plates, "maybe another day Zane but yeah you could say that, but the life of a ninja is a tough life to live" acting as Master Wu normally does as he poured his second cup of coffee. "By any chance have you seen or heard from my brother?" Nya asked.

Kai sat alone, the wind softly brushing through his hair, he could hear the animals around him blissfully going about their own lives. Earlier when he woke up he had remembered the note from his previous master but when he went to grab it there was another note, from his parents. As he read that note his eyes began to swell and tears formed, 'why! Why would they leave just as I got them back! This is not fair!'. He then focused his attention onto the other note, from Garmadon.

Dear Kai
Im sorry, sorry for i what I did to you, i shouldn't have done that to you. I want you to know I see you as a son of mine and I would never intentionally do that to you.

I have decided to leave the monastery, without you. You have found your place, where you are meant to be my son, I wish for you to continue to grow in power and someday we will meet again, wether on the same side or against each other.

I have taken Lloyd with me, I need to become a better father to him, show him how to fight, his destiny counts on it.

Have a good life Kai, enjoy every moment
From Master Garmadon

The tears grew with every word he read, his fist grew a flame. 'Why is everyone leaving me! What did I do to deserve this! Wait is it because, of who I was in the past' his flame shrunk a single tear fell into the paper, Kai left the paper on his bedside table and left. He left his room with changing or anything he left the monastery, Kai needed to clear his thoughts before his anger consumed him completely.

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