Ghost in the room

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Kai stood there staring at his own body who was currently occupied by the spirit of Elio and Cole who looked very tired, "so now what?" Kai asked. "Wait this solves all of our problems Kai!" Elio said forgetting about Cole who was very confused, "what do you mean Elio? Also this feels really weird, is there a way we can put like a blanket over Kai so I know where he is?" Cole asked looking around the room paranoid.

"Umm, i not sure if it would work but we can try" Elio said, he grabbed a blanket from Cole's bed and walked over to where Kai was. "Here we go" Elio said before chucking the blanket over Kai, unfortunately it fell straight through Kai. "I thought so, since you are just a spirit/soul you lack the presence whilst us and ghosts have present forms, even though ghost are the same they still have a form" Elio stated. "So only you can see me Elio? What if I touched Cole?" Kai asked, he walked to Cole and put his hand on his shoulder, of course it fell into his body. "Cole do you feel anything in your left shoulder?" Elio asked.

"Well not really, it just feels a little colder, why?" He asked, "because Kai has his hand in it" Elio smiled. Cole jumped away, cheeks red, "wow wow wow, let's get back to the point, how do we get Kai back into his body?" Cole said scampering away. "WAIT does that mean I can float!!" Kai said excitedly, he jumped up and tried to flap his arms like a bird but fell, except he didn't fall onto the floor, he fell through it. "Hehe this is actually really fun!" Kai said swimming around the floor and pretending to be a shark.

"Ok ok, hmmm what if, Kai maybe try and merge or take over the body" Elio said, "uhh I don't know how but ok" Kai said. "Wait, what did he say, i can't hear what he is saying?" Cole asked, Elio turned to him and repeated what Kai had just said, "ohh ok" Cole said feeling caught up. Elio stood near the window whilst Kai stood opposite him near Cole's door, he took a running start and as he got closer to Elio jumped head first into him. There was a moment where us was like time stopped, Elio and Kai were floating outside the body, it worked. "Yes, your doing it Kai!" Elio said floating in the air, Kai did it he took his body back.

Cole watched as all of a sudden Kai's body looked as if it had been tackled and then dropped to the floor

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Cole watched as all of a sudden Kai's body looked as if it had been tackled and then dropped to the floor. "Kai, that you?" Cole asked the unconscious body, he shook it trying to wake it up. Kai's eyes scrunched together as he regained his consciousness "uggh, am I in my body again?" He asked Cole. "Yes! You did it Kai!" Cole said giving the boy a tight hug, "phew, h-hey watch out my body is still pretty tired and worn out" Kai called out from the hug. "O-oh sorry, would you like some help to your room?" Cole asked, "yes please, I think if I did I wouldn't make it in one piece" kai said trying to stand up.

Kai stood up but fell instantly down on his knees, he struggled to hold himself up, "I'm going to have to carry you Kai, your body is just to weak at the moment" Cole said, "if your ok with that?" He added. Kai looked at his body and then at Cole "yeah that would be nice if you could" he smiled weakly. Cole carefully picked him up and began walking him to his room, thankfully the monastery was dead asleep but with every squeak of the floorboards their anxiety grew.

They reached Kai's room within minutes and quietly walked in and shut the door, Cole let Kai down onto his bed and went to leave but when he looked back he could see Kai had already fallen asleep. Cole smiled at him sweetly, and shut the door behind him, on his walk back to his room his thoughts were racing, 'what if it happens again and we can't fix it?, what if the others find out? How will they take it? What if? What if?' His thoughts raced through all the way back to his room.

Cole couldn't handle his thoughts anymore and payed down in his bed trying his hardest to get to sleep, but they wouldn't stop. He eventually was able to get to sleep after some much needed medical help (melatonin gummies 😋). In the morning jay and Nya were the first ones in the kitchen and awake, surprisingly Zane was still asleep in his room.

"Uhh, so Nya, how was your sleep?" Jay nervously asked, he didn't like the awkward silence. "Oh uh, it was alright, how about you?" She asked a slight blush grew along her cheeks, "that's good" Jay said awkwardly. The sat there quietly for another couple of minutes until, "did you want to hang out later?" They said at the same time. They were stunned and blushed hard, "you go first" Jay said, "no you" Nya replied, "ok, did you want to hang out later, maybe go out to dinner?" Jay asked, "I would love to" Nya said

"Ok be ready around 7:30pm and I'll take you out " Jay said and went to to leave the room, as soon as he turned the corner he sank to the ground, 'I did it! I asked her out!' He jumped up in the air and skipped back to his room before it hit him. 'What will Kai think!?

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