Sleeping beauty

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Eventually they reached the vehicle they arrived on, they each hopped in and jay started up the engine, "why can't I drive it jay?" Cole asked, "did you build it?", "well no, but I want to drive it", "then you build one" they argued. On the road Zane had a very good question to ask Kai, "hey Kai, what ever happened to Garmadon and Lloyd? Have you read the note yet?". Kai had forgotten all about the note, "no I haven't yet.. *yawn* ....I'll do that when.. I get.. home" he said while trying to keep his head up and awake, he was having trouble doing so after the day he had. Eventually Kai lost the war and fell straight to sleep luckily for him Zane sat in the back to next to him to catch him.

Zane tapped Cole and Jay on the shoulder and pointed to Kai, "jeez you would guess he hasn't slept in weeks, what did you do to him- Cole?". Cole was staring at sleeping beauty in the back, the rise and fall of his chest and how his hair managed to cover his face but also show so much more of it and also how it looked almost deflated like the boy. "Yo earth to Cole, stop staring lover boy" Jay snapped his fingers in his face to break his spell, "o-oh whoops" Cole just brushed it off and kept staring out the window to make it look less obvious.

"Cole you don't have to hide your feelings from us, we're your brothers remember" Zane said, "yeah and you suck at it" Jay teased him, "yeah yeah, i promise I won't from now on, and besides it's not like we would ever get together, I mean we're going to be working together soon, i don't want to mess things up" Cole sighed. "I'm sure that wouldn't happen Cole, you should tell him how you feel, and don't bottle them up, it will only get worse" Zane said trying to ease Cole, "yeah and don't go putting it off the table, I mean I think something could happen between me and Nya, i can feel it" Jay said.

"Oh sure mister stutter mouth, every time you see her you freeze up" Cole said, "heyyy, I'll work on it ok, but I have a feeling she feels the same way about me" Jay proclaimed. "How do you think Kai will react when he finds out you're dating his sister? He'll explode!" Cole added, "i don't think he will explode, just get very agitated " Zane explained, "it's a figure of speech bud" Cole explained back to Zane. "Shit I'd didn't think about that, what if he kills me!" Jay worried, "it would worth it though, just to go out with Nya would be a dream come true" Jay dreamed. 

The whole ride home was full of laughs and teasing, once they got home it was time to wake up Kai. "What if we startle him, he'll burn us!" Jay worried, "but we can't get him out without doing so! Zane you wake him, he is on your shoulder!" Cole whisper yelled. "Fine, but only because I am made of metal" Zane gulped, he pushed Kai a little to see if it would work, but it didn't, Zane looked up at Jay and he gestured to shake him more. He went in for it and shook him more, but still quite soft, it worked!Kai woke up without being startled, everyone sighed with relief.

Kai looked at his surroundings still half asleep, "wakey wakey Kai, we're back at the monastery" Cole said to the brunette. Kai didn't talk just got out of the vehicle like a drunk, "woah there bud" Cole caught Kai as he struggled to walk and almost fell over a nearby toolbox Jay had left out. He looked at the others for help, "what do i do, he's obviously to tired to walk", "the best option would be to carry him to his room" Zane said walking up the stairs into the monastery and Jay following behind a grin on his face. "oh jeez, of course that would be my only option, cmon bud they'd get you to bed" Cole picked Kai up into his arms and began walking him to his bed.

"Maybe a bit to much excitement for the day huh Kai" Cole said, at this point he was just talking to himself. He walked up the stairs at to his room, when he struggled but still opened the door he saw Nya sitting on his bed waiting for Kai. "Kai! What happened to him" she ran over, "nothing, he just had a big day, we, well i showed him around the city and I think he really enjoyed it" Cole said putting Kai on his bed, he took his shoes off and put his shopping to the side. "If you don't mind me asking but what were you doing in here?" He asked Nya.

"umm, don't tell Kai yet but our parents left earlier and they left us each a note, i just wanted to be here when he read it" she admitted. "Oh no, are you ok Nya?" He asked her, "not really, I haven't been this far away from them and I just don't feel comfortable without them here", "don't worry Nya, you have us and your brother to support you, if you need anything just come and ask me or the others we can help you or even if you just want to talk" Cole said reassuring her. "Thank you Cole, I want to talk to Kai about it but, I don't want to over load him, so maybe I will take you up on that offer" she smiled at him.

"Actually you might have a better time talking to Jay about it, he's better at listening then me" Cole was trying to help his mate out, "oh if your sure, I'll go see him now then" she said walking off to his room. Cole left Kai's room quietly as to not wake him up. He shut the door and left for his room, while they were at the arcade they found a Photo Booth and gave it a go, Cole reached into his pocket and pulled it out. He stared at it all the way back to his room, when he finally reached it he hung it up straight away right above his bed and fell into his comfy bed and stared at the roof waiting for the sleep to hit, when he heard a knock on his door

 He stared at it all the way back to his room, when he finally reached it he hung it up straight away right above his bed and fell into his comfy bed and stared at the roof waiting for the sleep to hit, when he heard a knock on his door

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