Who knew

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Kai woke up in his own bed, but didn't remember how, he looked out the window and saw that it was still night time. He lay back in his bed but something didn't feel right, he looked around and it all looked fuzzy almost like a, dream. It hit him, he must be stuck in his memory. Kai didn't want to believe that Elio took control of his body again, he ran out of the room and it's like it wasn't there, he could walk on the ground but it was to fuzzy to actually see what it was made of. "ELIO!!" Kai shouted, he couldn't think of anything else to do, he didn't want to be stuck again.

A screen popped up in front of him showing his body sitting up in his bed, it was Elio in Kai's body again. Elio could feel that Kai was watching him, "Kai, you must have been so tired that your body gave me partial control" Elio explained. Elio looked down at the body he was in and looked around the room, "this is so cool!" He smiled exploring his new surroundings, "ugh Elio, there is no time for that, I need control back!" Kai said, he didn't think he could be heard by Elio but he was wrong, "yeah yeah- wait i can hear you from out here! That's so cool!" He said with joy. "So what do we do now, the only way that I can think is if I go to sleep or something like that, but I'm not tired" Elio thought out's loud so kai could hear.

"We're going to need to ask someone for help" kai said, "I can go get your sister if you would like?" Elio said changing into some pjs, since he was still wearing clothes from earlier. "No, i don't want to keep bugging her about this.... hmmm, wait I know just the person we can trust" Kai Said. Elio walked down the hallway and to the right was the room, Cole's room. Cole had just changed into his pjs and laid on his bed looking at the roof, thoughts floating through his mind. His body was just about ready to drift off to sleep when he heard a knock on the door, "come in" he called out to the unknown person behind the door, he walked in and Cole looked up and saw it was Kai.

"Kai? What's up? I thought you would be passed out till the morning" Cole exclaimed, "Cole we need your help". The voice didn't sound like Kai at all, "my ears must be clogged or something cause you sound different bud" Cole jested to his ears, "thats because I'm not Kai, I'm.... Elio" he said a weak smile on his face. Cole's smile dropped and he grabbed his Scythe from the holder on his chest of draws where it was kept, "what are you doing back in his body". "Cole please listen, me and Kai are trapped in this weird cycle where we can't control who is in charge of this body, Kai needs your help" Elio said.

Kai anticipated his response from inside his own mind, he sat on the foot of his bed with his legs tucked into his chest, he began getting flashbacks to the last time this happened. "Ok fine I will help you, but only because I want Kai back" Cole said cheeks going a slight red, Cole walked over to his door and checked the hallway to see if anyone was there, luckily no one was. He closed the door and locked it in hopes that no one would enter, "ok so explain to me how it happened, maybe we can reverse it?" Cole asked Elio who stood in the middle of the room just looking around.

"Well I don't know exactly, BUT, I have an idea, I think it's because Kai's mind was so tired that it loosened its control enough for my spirit to take over by accident" Elio began explaining his idea, "I swear this was not my intention, all I want to see my friends one last time and go back to sleep, that or see if I can become a ghost" he said jokingly trying to lighten the mood. "Well if that the case, is there anyway can give up your control?" Cole asked him putting his scythe back into its holder. "Well yes I can do that, but I need to unconscious for it to happen" Elio said, "but I don't feel tired enough for that to happen".

Kai sat and watched trying to come up with ideas to help, "what if Cole knocked you out?" He thought out loud forgetting that Elio could hear. "What no Kai, we're not doing that" Elio said, Cole looked at him confused, "who the hell are you talking to?", "oh uhh, Kai I guess, he can hear what we are saying and only I can hear him, he is alright don't worry, I can sense that you have strong feelings for him" Elio said before going back to thinking. Cole was stunned, Elio basically confessed for him to Kai, 'how am I going to explain that, no focus on getting Kai back then explain' he thought to himself.

Kai wasn't paying attention to what was happening he had an idea. He walked out of the room and down to Cole's when he opened the door there stood Cole and Kai's body, "wow this is trippy" Kai said. Elio looked up and saw Kai standing there, "holy shit Kai, your a ghost!" Elio said walking over to Kai who was Standing there. Cole turned around to see, but, no one was there, "who....who are you talking right now?" Cole turned to Elio who looked to be looking at something. "I guess you can't see him, maybe since our souls are connected when one takes over the other can either watch from the void or they can watch it as it happens through your own memory" Elio went on.

Cole was so confused, "wait so Kai's spirit is in the room right now?", "yes, he can see you" Elio continued.

Cole was so confused, "wait so Kai's spirit is in the room right now?", "yes, he can see you" Elio continued

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Sorry to cut it off there im tired 🥲

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