meet the family

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the jet skidded to a holt in the middle of the air which caused Elio to hit the back of Gamadons seat, weirdly enough it didn't faze him. "are we here already?" his muffled voice came from the back of the chair, "yes we have, stay here ok? i will call for u soon" Garmadon said lifting the top of the jet to open the roof. "awww, fine but please hurry, if u couldn't tell i get very bored fast" Elio said just before Garmadon jumped done onto the anchor that started to drop at the same time.

Garmadon fell at an incredible speed, the monastery was not to far away and he could see Wu sitting on the porch sipping his hot tea. the anchor hit the tiles a bit in front of wu, who kept sipping his tea. Garmadon hopped off the anchor and stood next to it, "hello, Brother, did u miss me?" he said with a snarl, "oh Garmadon, your always on time aren't you?" Master Wu replied putting down his tea.

"where are the ninja? i thought they would be training around this time of day, isn't it lovely" Garmadon said looking at the beautiful sky, "they will be here very soon, so i hear that you have gained a new pupil?"Master Wu said still looking at Garmadon with a smile, though they didn't see eye to eye ,exactly, they we're brothers and Wu loved him. "oh him, there have been a few changes but he is still better then yours" he said poking his tongue out to him. at that moment the Ninja ran out to see what was happening.

"Garmadon!! what is he doing here!" Jay yelled, "oh hello, Ninja, i have a friend who is just dying to meet you" Garmadon said to them and gave an Erie smile. he tugged on the chain connecting the anchor to the ship and shouted for him to come down. a shadow formed next to Garmadon and soon a figure behind a cloud of smoke appeared before them. when the smoke and dust disappeared they were met with someone they had been talking about days before.

"KAI!? what is he doing here?" Cole said aloud, Nya was in shock at the sight before her, her body stiffened and tears were streaming down her face yet she felt so relieved to see her brother, the one person she had been dreaming about seeing for so long. "oh ninja, you couldn't be anymore wrong, this here is Elio the first elemental master of fire" Garmadon said with a wicked grin, "hello ninja!" Elio said giving his signature smile. even though it was a different souls trapped in that body his voice stayed the same which made Cole sick to his stomach, he just hoped it wasn't to late to save him.

"Elio care to show them a few things while i talk to my dear brother" Garmadon said looking at Wu, "gladly Garm" Elio said looking straight at the Ninja. Elio took off so fast they never saw him coming straight towards them,  one by one they were taken down with either a punch in the gut, a knock out via uppercut or being shoved so hard they hit the brick wall, all... except Nya.

Garmadon saw his pupil head towards the ninja and he finally felt at ease, "Wu i am not here to fight you, that will come at a later time, im only here because of Kai" he said softly, "i already know dear brother, it was foolish of you for doing this to him, but, you are doing the right thing helping him" Master Wu said, "do you know off anyway i could bring Kai back?" Garmadon pleaded, "i may have some scrolls inside, come, they look preoccupied" Wu said looking at the state off his poor ninja

Nya stood awaiting what she saw happen to her new friends yet, it never came. when she finally opened her eyes Elio was standing before her, his arm held into a fist ready to go and still he didn't, it was as if an invisible force was stopping him from hurting her or even touching her. she somehow felt that same feeling, she could tell her brother was still in there somewhere, "k-kai, if you're in there please come home, i miss you, im so sorry it took me this long to find you i-" she was cut off. "shut up, shut up, SHUT UP" Elio screamed his fist ablaze.

Nya was stunned at what she heard but just before Elio's first full of fire hit her Jay swooped in to save her, he carried her to the roof to observe Elio, "Jay you have to believe me, i could sense him, kai is still in there and we need to get him out!" she pleaded to the blue ninja. he looked down at her with a sweet but goofy smile "don't worry Nya, i believe you, let's go save that hot head" he said sweetly said, Nya was flustered at how softly he spoke to her and at the fact that he stood by her and her belief (i suspect a crush forming 😏).

Cole and Zane joined them on the roof and watched as Elio started to loose his temper. He was smashing all he could see, fist still on fire and his eyes flickered with rage. "jeez he might need to anger management classes after this" Jay said as a joke, "How are we going to do this? he was able to take each of us out with a single hit and not to mention how fast he his!" Cole rambled, "Nya was able to talk to him, maybe all we have to do is call out to him?" Zane stated.

Elio soon spotted the bright coloured Ninja and his eyes became wide and his sickly smile grew, "there you are" he spoke softly to himself. the sight of him sent nerves down their spines, "we need to do something and quick" Jay panicked, "Jay and Zane you both distract him while me and Nya will try and call out to Kai" Cole ordered and the Ninja followed quickly jumping down and calling at him to get them, "come on Elio" "let's play tag". it seemed to work for a bit while Nya and Cole got what they about to say ready.

inside Master Wu and Garmadon were in the scroll room looking for the scroll Garmadon was after. "brother, you know after this i will be taking Kai back and taking over Ninjago, so why are you helping me so willingly" Garmadon wondered, "the time will come for Kai to make his decision on his own, to help you take over Ninjago or to reconnect with his family and friends and to help stop you" Wu said. "yet Kai cannot make that critical decision being controlled by a man who once was alive and is now just an empty soul" Wu said, Garmadon knew he was right and he was sure Kai would choose himself over the Ninja, but there was still that slight chance we wouldn't and he was afraid it would come true

Wu picked up a scroll and skimmed through it looking left and right across the page, "this is it, this is how you will get Kai back" Wu handed him the scroll and gave him a smile, Gramadon took it and looked at it and he knew that if Elio saw this he was not going to be happy, so he hid in his rope. at that moment they could hear was going on outside when all of a sudden Zane smashed through the brick wall dividing the scroll room to the outside. "Zane! what are you doing?" Wu ran over to check he was alright "Master, he... he's gone crazy" Zane replied

Garmadon went over to the hole in the wall and looked through it, he was right Elio had gone insane... what has he done!
Climax time!!!
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