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the boys all looked at him not wanting to tell him but finally it was Zane who told him. "i'm sorry Kai but he left late last night, he took Lloyd with him, but he did leave you this note" Zane handed him the note. Kai wanted to read it but decided it would be best to wait until later to do so. they all walked out into the training area where Master Wu, Nya, Ray and Maya were all waiting for them.

Kai knew that the only reason they were all here for the training is to watch him and see how he performs, knowing that made his nerves go off. "glad you all could finally join us" Nya said, "sorry Nya, i was just showing Kai how to play some video games", " how course you did, please don't let him get addicted, i'm already stuck with all of you playing them" Nya whined, Jay was to scared to tell her the truth.

Master Wu sat on the centre of the porch and to his left sat Ray and Maya. "ok to begin we're going to do some warm up sparring, now since there is an uneven amount, Ray would you please be able to spare with Nya today?" Wu called out, "of course Wu" Ray got up and walk over to his daughter and scruffed up her hair slightly. "ok next pair is Jay and Zane, leaving Coke and Kai, and begin" Kai felt uneasy about fight Cole, he didn't want to think about the last time they fought.

"it's ok kai, give it your all" Cole whispered to him which made kai feel a lot better. slowly Kai started to fight against Cole, he didn't go full on out but he was still remarkably good at it. Cole had just enough time between hits to block the next one, he had little to no time to attack and that was the way Kai was taught.
"ok that's enough for the warmup" Master Wu said, "wow Kai, your really good" Cole said putting his hand out to shake Kai's. "oh thanks, it's how Garmadon taught me, be fats enough so the enemy has no time to attack" Kai said imitating his old master.

"Ray you may sit down if u wish, next things next, kai do you know spinjitsu?" Wu asked, "just about, Garmadon taught me ages ago when he first learned i was the next master of fire" Kai admitted. "would be able to do an example?" Wu asked, "sure" Kai shrugged. "now watch closely ninja, cause this is what you will be learning today " wu called out to the ninja, all of them moved away to give him some space to do so, Kai spun around so quickly that you couldn't see his face or himself, orange flames grew around him as he spun so. when Kai stopped the world was still spinning so it took him awhile to stabilise his surroundings, "very good Kai! now would anyone like to give it a go?" Wu called out.

"i'll try sensei" Zane said out loud, but when he tried all he did was spin around and fall to the ground the others laughed as he sat there trying not to throw up from his vision spinning, kai helped him up and helped him by giving h some tips. "next time try and focus on your elemental power and also because your pretty new to prevent falling over try and keep your eyes closed" Kai gave a weak smile towards him.

for the rest of the day the ninja practiced their spinjitsu with the help from Master Wu, Ray, Maya and Kai. the first to successfully perform spinjitsu was Cole, and Master Wu partnered Kai and Cole up for Kai to show Cole some tips and tricks with this skill, at first it was awkward but as they went on they became a lot more comfortable with each other and grew closer as friends. "alright that's enough for today, you all can take the rest of the day off" Master Wu called out and walked inside

Ray and Maya walked over to their kids and gave them a hug, "you guys did so well today!" they said to them and then went off inside leaving the ninja in the courtyard. "well that was different" Kai added, "how so?" jay asked, they all began walking inside to the games room. "well Garmadon's lessons usually consisted of yelling, disappointment and lots of struggling" kai said, "heh once he made me practise my spinjitsu on the top of a mountain and there was a storm happening, heh there was so much lightning" he laughed.

they all looked at him in shock, "well that does sound like Garmadon" Zane added. Kai sensed the tension and uneasiness he had created and wanted to fix, "so who wants to play that video controller thing?" he asked unsure of what it was. "it's called a video game, and yes your on!" Jay declared, "don't forget me, i'm the best at that game!" Cole said running to the games room to be the first, "i would like to play as well" Zane also said. The three ran off leaving Nya and Kai alone in the hallway, "you coming sis?" Kai excitedly said, "uh no probably not, i'm going to take a uhh shower, yeah, then take a nap, see you later" Nya hurried off and kai just shrugged it off and ran to catch up to the guys.

Nya had to talk to her parents, she could feel that there was something troubling them and she needed to know what.
i was kinda stuck on this chapter but enjoy 😊

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