Chill out

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(This chapter might have a bit of art cause I have been really inspired for this one 😅)

Kai caught up to his new friends and off they went to play video games in the game room."so what games next?" Kai asked, he was starting to get bored off these games, "how about we show you the fun side of Ninjago?" Jay said standing up, "but if we do that you gonna need to change into something less... official?" He continued, he didn't know how to describe Kai gi. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing" Kai gave him a look of annoyance, "nothing is wrong with what your wearing kai" Cole assured him before smacking Jay's head.

"It's more that we only wear our gi's when we're on mission or on look out" Zane explained, "I think i may have a shirt you can wear" Cole said, "ooo, I have some old pants I don't want that you can have!" Jay said running to get it

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"It's more that we only wear our gi's when we're on mission or on look out" Zane explained, "I think i may have a shirt you can wear" Cole said, "ooo, I have some old pants I don't want that you can have!" Jay said running to get it. "I also have a hat if would like, it is quite sunny outside :)" Zane gave Kai a red and black hat for him to wear. Once he was dressed and ready they all headed off towards the city in one of Jay's new vehicles he had been working on for aged now, they also made sure to pack their golden weapons just incase something bad happens.

 Once he was dressed and ready they all headed off towards the city in one of Jay's new vehicles he had been working on for aged now, they also made sure to pack their golden weapons just incase something bad happens

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When they entered the city Kai saw that there were so many people around, he had been in the city a few times but only short trips. They all walked up and down some of the main roads to show Kai some of the statues the city put up and some other really cool tourist spots. "What should we do first" Zane said as they all stood in a small grass area where the citizens around them we having picnics and playing with there dogs, when out of nowhere a dog ran up and jumped on Kai pushing him to the ground.

"WHAT THE FU-" Kai screamed as he fell, the dog began licking his face and sniffed his hair, Cole, Jay and Zane couldn't contain their laughter as this had come across their minds. Kai never had a dog growing up and especially with Garmadon, he didn't know how to react or act around them, he brought his hand up ready to set it on fire 🔥. Cole saw and quickly grabbed his hand away from the poor dog who was just in a playful mood, soon enough the dogs owner ran over to apologies and collect his dog.

"I'm so sorry, he just loves meeting new people" the owner apologised, "oh no worries, at least no one was injured" Cole said in a soft voice and the boy ran off again Kai just glared at the dog before Cole helped him up, Zane and Jay were still giggling off to the side. "Ugh i hate dogs, not just dogs all animals" Kai said brushing the dirt off himself, "yeah but you still can't set them on fire dude" Cole said to him. "Ok, that was funny, but I think we should head to the arcade for a bit" Jay said heading off with Zane, Jay turned back and gave Cole a thumbs up and turned back around before Kai could see, he was confused, 'why would he give me a thumbs up' he thought to himself. Cole realised why Jay did that, he looked down and saw that him and Kai were still holding hands.

He turned a bright red but still didn't let go, Kai still didn't realise what was happening and walked off pulling Cole with him, "Oi Jay! Slow down! Im gonna get lost!" Kai called out. They saw Jay and Zane turn around the corner but when they reached that same corner they were nowhere to be seen, Cole groaned internally 'geez thanks Jay!' He thought. "Great now we're lost!" Kai said, he let go of Cole without thinking and kicked a rubbish bin that was close to them. "Well we're not completely lost, I mean I know my way around the city, we can still have fun" Cole said, this was his chance, his chance to be one on one with Kai.

Kai's eyes lit up, "oh right! Ok well what should we do first, i was thinking maybe a movie or the museum?" Kai said. Cole blushed again, 'there both things that you would typically do on a date, calm down Cole, we are just hanging out, as friends', "well I'll look up when the next movie is then while we wait we can go to the museum" Cole thought out loud. " yess! oo while we're out I also wanted to get some of my own clothes, I mean yours are comfy but I think i would like to get some of my own" Kai said as he sat on the curb and Cole joined him.

It hit Kai what just happened, earlier him and kai held hands, his face grew a lovely shade of red that he tried to hide by turning to the side and pulling his hat down. Cole pretended not to notice this and continued to search for a movie and a time, "ok there is a new movie that I think u would enjoy at 1:45, so we have about an hour to look at the museum, and luckily for us there close by so it won't be a long walk!" Cole said standing up. "Let's head off shall we" Cole held his hand out and Kai took it staring into his eyes.

On the walk to the museum they still held hands and we're both very aware of it. "So, uhhh, what do you like doing, you know as a hobby?" Cole tried to break the ice, Kai really had to think about it, what did he like? "I actually don't know, I don't do a real lot, except I did learn how to play the guitar but I stopped playing cause I didn't have enough time to" Kai said. "Do you still know how to play?", "yeah I think so", "well we have a guitar at home, when we get back you should play me something" Cole smiled and Kai gave a soft smiled towards him.

"How about you, you got any hobbies?" It was Kai's turn to ask. "Hmmmm, eating" he joked, "pfft- I don't think that is a hobby dude" Kai laughed, "why not, I love food and eating it!" Cole said and they laughed together. "Ok but in all seriousness I love rock climbing" Cole admitted, "after my mum died my father became distant but as I grew up rock climbing became a way for me to cope" he said with a soft voice. Kai didn't know what to say so he squeezed Cole's hand to let him know that he was there. Soon enough they reached the museum, "come on Cole, I'll race you inside, readysetgo!" Kai said in a rush to win, "oh come on that's not fair" he yelled as he ran after him.

 Soon enough they reached the museum, "come on Cole, I'll race you inside, readysetgo!" Kai said in a rush to win, "oh come on that's not fair" he yelled as he ran after him

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More of them to come, I love lava so much!!!
Did anyone see the character descriptions for the next season, it's actually made me cry a bit 😢😢

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