plan gone wrong-pt.1

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Nya stood before the gates and looked back to see the boys, she gave them a thumbs up and mouthed the words 'let's do this'. Cole saw this and ran off to where the vents were located with Zane and Jay following close behind. when she couldn't see them anymore, she turned back to the gates took a big breath in and knocked on the gates with an echoed thud, shuffling was heard behind the doors, and they slowly opened.

"Who goes there" a cranky voice called out, "I came back, I couldn't handle the outside, please let me back in, I will do whatever you please" Nya cried out, all of a sudden, she was pushed to the floor with force, they tied her hands together and pulled her through the doors. it took a while for Nya's eyes to adjust to the dim lights, she looked around and she could feel her anxiety rise but she held it down. Krux stood above her with an evil smile, "why hello dear, did you come back for your mummy and daddy", "it's none of your business Krux, just let me see my parents" she spat at him, "oh don't worry Nya, you will be heading there in just a moment" he said wickedly.

Nya was confused as to what was taking them so long, she thought that they would take her there straight away, something didn't feel right with her, Krux had made his serpentine warriors form a circle around him and the small girl. Cole, Zane, and Jay found the entrance to the vents and headed in, soon enough they found themselves on top of the small swamp, "jeez what stinks, Cole was it you?", "Jay were above a swamp," Cole said starting to get annoyed at him, " suure Cole" jay said rolling his eyes, "jay I swear to god, if you don't shut up, I will hit you" Cole whisper yelled at him. just as Cole said that he could hear that Nya had been brought into the swamp and was below them, he looked down as they formed a circle around them. Cole could see what was about to happen.

Krux looked around at his serpentine warriors, "you know Nya, it took a lot out of your parents to get you out, and you just came back crying, what would they think of you" he said circling her. "What did you do to them Krux?!" She yelled at him standing up, "oh nothing, just a little beating" He said with a smile, "like what I'm about to do to you" he said under his breath. Krux lunged at Nya and punched her in the stomach and winded her, she passed out on the floor, Cole watched from above in horror, "Nya!" he whisper yelled. " What, what's happening to her!" Jay said pushing up to see, "watch it Jay otherwise were gonna fall-" Cole said, at that moment the vent below Cole and Jay collapsed and they fell to the floor. "AHHHHH-" they both yelled as they fell into the middle of the serpentine warriors, Krux saw them fall in time to move out of the way.

Cole looked up rubbing his head, "ah shit, jay why did you push me, you just ruined the plan" Cole hit jay on the head, jay didn't care he ran over to Nya's side to see if she was alright. she was breathing and that seemed to put him at ease, he gave Krux a death glare after making sure the injuries weren't too bad. " Who the hell are you" Krux said behind his soldiers, " were ninja and we came to stop you!" Cole said standing up and getting his Sye of quakes ready, "Cole! can you hear me" Cole could hear Zane from his ear, he looked up to see that Zane had managed to stay in the vent, "don't speak I don't want them getting suspicious, I'm going to go ahead and try and find Nya's parents and get them out of here, while you keep them busy" Zane said over their comms.

"I don't have time for this, vermillion, handle this, but bring the girl, we need her to get her parents to work" Krux said walking off. Jay was not strong enough to keep Nya safe, one of the snake people took Nya with ease, jay ran up behind Cole and were back-to-back. "Cole, what's the plan" he asked quietly, "Zane managed to stay up in the vents after you broke them" Cole said trying not to sound annoyed at him. "He is going to rescue Nya and her parents and get them out of here while we keep them busy" he continued.

"Easy peasy, except one thing, these guys are freakishly strong how can we beat them" jay worried, "do you forget we have elemental powers and the golden weapons!" Cole exclaimed. "Oh yeah, I keep forgetting" jay said. the vermillion attacked with such force that even Cole, the strongest on the team, was having trouble. Cole would punch and kick but no matter what the soldiers would form back into their original form, Jay shot lightning at one and it exploded into smaller snake, "AHH- I killed him, he exploded into snakes!" Jay yelled, "they seem to be made out of smaller snakes, maybe that's why there so strong" Cole questioned.

Zane continued in the vents, following Nya's tracking pin he planted. " If I follow Nya maybe I will find her parents too" Zane thought out loud, he soon heard Nya's voice it seemed she had woken up. "Let me go! I just wanna see my parents!" Nya shouted, "don't worry my dear sweet Nya we will be there soon" Krux said walking in front of his vermillion warriors who were holding Nya as she kicked and screamed.

they reached a small hut and the outskirts of the swamp, Nya looked at it in horror. All her bad memories had come back from this tiny little hut, they dragged her in and threw her onto the ground, "enjoy your reunion, while it lasts" Krux said slamming the door and locking it. Nya looked around the little house and memory after memory filled her head and small drops of water made their way to her eyes. "Nya!? w-what are you doing here, didn't you escape!" a female voice called out to her, Nya whipped her head around to meet her parents. they looked weak and bruised, they must have taken a beating for the break out.

"mum, dad! there is no time to lose we are getting you out" she said reaching into her pocket to retrieve the tracking devices, "Nya what is going on!" maya asked, "i can explain later, put these on so they can find us" Nya said in a hurry, she handed the the device to her parents and helped put them on. "what are these and so who can find us!" ray asked with worry in his voice, there tracking device my new ninja friends made.

Zane watched Krux walk away from the hut and saw that he left 2 of his warriors behind to stand guard, at that time Zane looked at the tracking system and saw that 2 new units had appeared and saw they were in the hut with Nya, "i assume those are her parents, i'll sneak in through the back so it will be a smooth get away" Zane said to himself. He crawled further into the vent until he was just behind the hut and threw a rope down 'the good thing about this hut being on the outskirts of the swamp is that there is no one around' he thought.

Zane ran around to the front and swiftly took out the guards, tied them up and hid them in a bush, Zane opened the door to see Nya and her parents, "you ready to get outta here?" he asked, "just in time Zane" Nya said with a smile, "Nya who is this!" they both asked their daughter. "oh my bad, my name is Zane, i am the elemental master of ice and i am also a nindroid, pleased to meet you ray and maya" he said taking his mask off to show his face that was holding a gentle smile.

to be continued :)))

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