Plan Gone Wrong Pt2

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i can't believe this story has 1k views, it's crazy to think that my story is actually good 😅
but thank you to everyone who has read my story so far!!!!!
"Now let's hurry out of here, Cole and Jay are distracting the other serpentine" Zane said hurriedly, Nya and her parents followed Zane round to the back of the small hut to where the rope was. Nya lead mer parents up the rope while Zane stayed on the ground watching out for snakes when, "oi you there!" Zane was spotted, he looked at Nya and gave her a nod. "Nya lead your parents out and escape back to master wu, i will catch up with the others and meet you there" Zane said through the intercom, "but what about you guys" she asked, "don't worry Nya we are highly trained ninja, we can look after ourselves" Jays voice was heard through the earpiece.

"Jay pay attention before you get knocked out" Cole's voice was also heard. Zane away from the snake and towards the battle, "what is happening Nya?" maya asked, "where is he going and also what are we going to do?" ray said. "mum, dad it's alright, i will explain more once we are safe but for now..." she paused, tears started to form in her eyes, "kai.. is alive... but he is under the control of lord Garmadon and he needs us to rescue him" she said to them as they continued their journey through the ventilation system. Both Ray and Maya we quite and Nya could tell they were both crying tears of joy at the thought of their family being back together.

Zane ran and ran through the smelly and slimy swamp, he was still being chased but he was way in front, as he ran he looked around and could see all the eggs and assumed those are where the vermillion serpentine came from. so many of them looked to be unhatched and a wicked idea came across Zane's computer mind. Cole and Jay were still fighting and slowly getting more and more tired, "i can't keep up with them Cole, there gonna beat us!" Jay whined, "Jay just hold on, Zane will be here soon, until then we need to stay on top".

Cole had sweat dripping down his face and his fists had small cuts along the knuckles. when suddenly they could hear Zane, "i'm here guys!! I'm here to help :D" he called out, Zane quickly analysed the situation they were in and with his quick response he froze all the snakes to stop them in there tracks. Cole collapsed to the ground and jay followed, "we need to get you both out of here before you pass out!" Zane said lifting Cole up under his shoulder and threw Jay onto his back when he heard a sinister clapping coming from behind.

Krux stood before them and looked around at his frozen army, "you know, i too once had elemental powers, they were so powerful me and my brother tried to control everything, as we said before, control time control everything" Krux said still looking at his worriers. "we don't need to fight, we could work together to control all of Ninjago!" he said looking at them, "No! what you are trying to do is wrong and you will be stopped, but now is not that time" Zane said before freezing Krux along side the snake army.

Zane slowly made his way out of the swamp with Jay on his back and Cole on his shoulder, before leaving he looked around at the swamp and threw one of the bombs he had hidden in his gi. he threw it and booked it out through the gates he tried to get them as far away as possible as to not be caught up in the explosion. eventually they made it out of the sewer system and up to the surface where they had left their dragons, out in the middle of the street. "ok, i think i can get home by myself" Cole said letting go of Zane, "what about you Jay, you alright?" Zane asked, "yes, i think i will be fine now" Jay said and Zane dropped him to the floor

they both managed to get their dragons and make it back to the monastery where Nya and her parents we're waiting. they walked up to from the dragon temple and were greeted with hugs, "you guys did it!! i can't thank you enough!" Nya cried out giving them all a group hug, "thank you boys very much for rescuing us from Krux" Ray said to them. much like her daughter Maya gave them all a hug, "and thank you for looking out for our beautiful daughter" she said with tears in her eyes, they all looked happy until Cole spoke.

"i'm sorry to have to cut the happy times short" he spoke, "but all of ninjago is incredible danger and we need you help" Cole continued, "Nya told us about... Kai, could he really have done that! he has a kind soul!" Maya exclaimed. "sadly it is, i have some recorded footage of his new lifestyle" Zane said bringing up a projected screen, a video was played through the eyes of Zane from when he first came to visit, Kai was seen punching them and hit them with his 2 katana he held in both hands. Ray and Maya looked in shock, "this is all our fault, if only we had fought  Krux maybe we could have won and he wouldn't have been left alone" Maya said with her hands on her face.

"but don't worry, we have a plan to get him back, we just need your help, maybe if he sees you he will snap back or something like that" Jay said detaching Nya who had been holding onto him without realising. "we will do anything, anything to get our family back and to restore the time that was lost!" Ray said comforting his wife who was still crying slightly.

they all went inside and Nya showed them to a spare room for them to stay until everything is sorted out, "i'm sorry for putting you through this Nya" Maya said to her daughter who was standing outside their room with some fresh bedsheets, "but im so proud of who you have become today, once this is all over i will teach a few tricks on how to use your new power" she said bringing her in for a hug.
ahhh it's finally getting closer to the climax, im so excited to write it!!! 🤭

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