What Lies Beyond The Gates

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Cole had just finished explaining the plan when a knock was heard coming from the big wooden doors at the entrance of the monastery, as the leader Cole went and answered the door. a small blonde haired boy stood outside the doors, his eyes were red from crying and he was covered in dirt, "does master wu live here?" he spoke quietly yet firmly, "yes he does, would you like me to deliver a message or-" Cole said before being cut off". "Lloyd?! what are you doing here" Master wu stood behind them all, the small boy ran to the old man.

"Uncle Wu, my dad kicked me out, this stupid red ninja stole my place as his son, he loves him more then meeee" Lloyd whined, Master Wu brought him into a hug and pet his head trying to calm him down. "shhh, it's alright nephew, how about you come inside for a cup of calming tea" he said walking the crying child inside, while the others were left with many questions.

Jay tried to follow them inside but was instantly hit in the face with a door, "ouch, no need to be to cold sensei" he said while rubbing his nose, "we can worry about that after our mission, now let's go" Cole commanded. "we can take the dragons" Cole said, "Nya you can ride with one of us or you can take the dragon we got from the temple of fire" Zane said to Nya down in the dragon temple, "sure i'll take that dragon, it was probably meant for my brother" she looked over at the red dragoon, "don't worry Nya, we'll get your parents back and then go after kai" Cole said giving her a warm smile, she smiled back at him and took off the rest of them followed her lead since she was the only one who knew where they were being kept.

Nya had never ridden a dragon before, she has never done a lot of things honestly. she liked how she could feel the wind in her hair and on her face, she liked how you could only see the tallest of mountains and how the clouds went on forever like an ocean. the boys could sense how she felt, "you know there must be whole lot you missed out on doing, after we get you parents back and save kai, we can show you how to actually live" Jay said flying up next to her, "that would amazing, thank you Jay" she said he he gently blushed.

they all landed in the streets of Ninjago city, some people looked over at them and cheered to see the ninja, most didn't give them a second glance. "ok team let's do this, Nya you remember the plan?" Cole said slipping on his ninja mask, causing the others to do the same, "yeah, show you the way then act as bait and then pinpoint our location once we're in the hut" she said through the mask. she jumped down as the rest of the ninja followed, they followed her round every corner, every bend, every fork in the road until they made it to the last corner before they reached the doors.

"now there are 5 vents above the hideout take this map it will show you where they all enter and exit" Nya said handing them a map, "and here are the trackers i made, i'll tuck one into you suit, if you don't mind" Zane politely asked, after tucking it into the inside of her top he handed her the other 3. "remember the button in on the bottom, if you see Krux press it and i'll do the rest, the other 2 are for your parents just do them same as what i just did" he said once again to make sure she remembered.

Nya looked over at the doors and could feel her heartbeat fastening and her breathing began getting heavier, "Nya? say something? are you ok?" Jay said grabbing her hand and pulling her down to sit, zane quickly scanned her, "this can't be good, she's having an anxiety attack, i think the doors are causing it" he said as if looking into space when in reality he was looking at the screens in his mind. "Nya! Nya! you need to wake up, she's not responding! what do we do Cole?" jay whisper yelled shaking her by the shoulders.

Cole was stuck he had never had this happen to him and he had no idea what was needed to help her. "Zane i need you to find the fastest way to help her out of this" he asked the nindroid, Zane nodded at looked back out into space. "jay i need you to keep doing what your doing" Cole said to Jay, he looked a little awkward but kept doing it, they both could hear her mumbling something so jay got slightly closer to try and hear it.

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