Med-Bay / ghosts

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Zane had stayed with Kai, to try and find a cure for his condition.  After another coughing fit Zane went through the reports that the machine he hooked up to Kai was spitting out. "Ok let's see, that's really weird" Zane said out loud "what is it?", "it says that nothing is wrong with you?" He looked up at the screens display a full body scan of Kai. "This can't be right, I mean your coughing up blood, there has to be something wrong! Do you know if Elio has any ideas?" Zane asked eyes not leaving the screen.

Kai looked around the room and in the corner stood Elio, silent, he knew what was happening was his fault. "Hey Elio, you alright? You got any idea what is happening?" Kai asked, "I can hear you know" Elio snapped back. "Wow dude, there's no need to be snappy at me!" Kai said trying to keep his calm, he isn't the best with dealing with attitude especially towards him. "Sorry sorry my bad, it's just..... this is all happening to you because off me, the only way to get you better before it's past the point of no return is to get me out of the picture Kai".

"Oh, yeah, I guess we should start looking into that" Kai said, "why do you sound sad, this is the best choice for you to survive Kai, keep your legacy as a master of fire alive-", "yeah but I like having you around Elio"

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"Oh, yeah, I guess we should start looking into that" Kai said, "why do you sound sad, this is the best choice for you to survive Kai, keep your legacy as a master of fire alive-", "yeah but I like having you around Elio". Elio was stunned, "I like knowing that I'm not alone ok, there i said it, you happy" kai blurted out, he immediately looked out the window to not make eye contact with them. Elio stayed quiet as to not make the conversation worse, when Zane chimed in. "Sooooo.... how did it go Kai", "what do you think tin can", "yeah it didn't sound good , but did you at least find something?", "oh yeah, ages ago I told Elio and promised to find away to release his spirit
into a ghost, just so he could stay around, you know"

"Oh yeah that sounds like it could work, I'll go look around the scroll room, there is bound to be something on this" Zane said enthusiastically, he left to room and headed on his way. Kai was alone, Elio left, he needed to clear his head before anything happens. Kai started coughing again uncontrollably, "not... *cough cough* again.." he said amidst coughs, with each cough more and more blood spilled out from his body. Looking down at his blood covered hands scared Kai to his soul, "shit, why now, everything was going to well" eyes not leaving his hands.

There was a knock on the door, "hello, Zane? Kai? It's me Cole, can I come in?" A soft voice called out. "Yeah it's just me in here Cole" Kai answered the voice, when he walked in Cole saw the blood on Kai's hands and quickly shut the door. "Wow are you alright? What's happening? Where's Zane?" Cole quickly said, "yeah I'm alright, for now, I'll explain when Zane gets back from the scroll room.... actually I'll do it now, can u pass me a towel please" Kai said answering his questions.

Cole picked up a towel and handed it to Kai before pulling up a seat beside Kai, "uhhh so basically you know that whole thing with Elio in my body, well it's not exactly healthy for me and yeahhhh" Kai said skimming over everything. "Ooh ok, is that what happened this morning and why you were late to training?" Cole asked, "kind of, I read the letters from my parents and the one from Garmadon, and I needed to get out so I left the monastery and ran into Zane and some things happened and we got into a fight, nothing physical though" Kai explained.

"This morning....I... i started coughing up blood, it's a pretty clear sign that I need to sort this out now before-" Kai couldn't finish what he was going to say, he could just feel that Cole looked worried. Cole grabbed his hand, "don't worry Kai, I will make sure that it doesn't get to that ok, we will sort it out no matter what", Kai smiled at him sweetly. Suddenly the door unlocked and Zane walked in carrying many books, "Kai I didn't know what exactly to look for but i grabbed every book about ghosts and such. Zane shut the door and locked it before turning around to see Cole and Kai holding hands, "oh hi Cole, I see you both have sorted something out?" He said cluelessly.

"Shhh" Cole quickly ran up and covered his mouth, "no, but, maybe soon, i don't know" Cole whispered to his robotic friend. "Oooohh ok" Zane said picking up a book, Kai looked at it "guess we got a lot of reading to do huh, maybe we should move to somewhere comfy", "we could go to the gaming room, the couch is really comfy, plus Nya and Jay won't be home tonight so we won't need to hide from them-" Cole said before realising what he had said. "There not going to be home? Where are they going?" Kai asked. "A date" Zane said without hesitation.

Cole went to smack Zane before turning around and looking at Kai, he had a deadly look to him, like he was going to kill someone. His eyes narrowed and if you looked close enough you could see heat waves coming off his head, "what?!" He said anger clear as day in his voice. "It's nothing serious Kai I promise, they are just going to got dinner" Cole said trying to calm the hot head down. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'not serious', ITS A FUCKING DATE, I SWEAR IF HE DOES ANYTHING TO HER ILL- *cough cough*" Kai's yelling brought a pretty bad coughing fit.

"Shit there is so much blood! Get a pan or something to put it in!" Cole said to Zane who had been watching the screens to see if he could find anything despite it not working before. "Shit this doesn't look good" Kai said mid cough before rolled onto his side facing the window and continued to cough and cough until he passed out hanging halfway off the bed. "Kai! KAI!" Cole thought he had died, "don't worry, he's got a pulse still, and breathing buts it's pretty shallow" Zane said holding his fingers up to Kai's neck. Cole sighed with relief, he pulled Kai back up onto the bed, he got to see first hand how bad his condition is, "ok I'll start reading, can you ok clean this up Zane?" Cole asked picking up 3 big books.

 Cole sighed with relief, he pulled Kai back up onto the bed, he got to see first hand how bad his condition is, "ok I'll start reading, can you ok clean this up Zane?" Cole asked picking up 3 big books

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(This doesn't have much context i just had the idea to draw it)

"Sure then I'll also start reading" he replied looking down at the pan full of blood, "he needs to keep his temper to a minimum otherwise he may not be so lucky next time" he said. "Yeah, I'll go consult master Wu and see if he would know anything maybe that can be of some use" Cole said, "sounds good" Zane said and Cole walked out and shut the door softly behind him. He was terrified, and most important exhausted, 'we can't let Nya see him like this, what would she think? I need to do something and quick, hopefully master Wu will have something to help' Cole thought walking off to his masters meditation room where he normally was.

He quietly walked up to the door and knocked, Cole heard a soft voice call for him to come in. He walked in and could see his master sitting on the floor meditating, "what is troubling you Cole?" Wu asked. "It's Kai, his condition is getting worse by the day, it seems that having Elio in his body is putting so much pressure on his soul, I mean he was coughing up blood! I.... I don't know what to do, Kai did say that we should try to get Elio to become a ghost, do you have any idea master?" Cole unloaded. Wu sat silently stroking his beard, "hmmm, i believe that is a possibility, I will take a look into it, just leave it with me" Wu said. "Thank you master thank you, me and Zane are already ready some books we found in your scroll room, oh and please don't tell Nya or Jay, Kai's wishes" Cole said getting up and about to leave before saying one more thing. "And master, please hurry, we don't think he can last long" he shut the door and left the door.

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