slight insanity

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Kai sat on top his new thrown made from hot lava and rock, playing with the balls of fire he had created, his hair still as white at ash and bright red pupils filled his eyes. Garmadon stood near the rocky table kai had made, he was looking for a way to make an unstoppable army, one that no one could take down. not his brother, not those pesky ninja, no one, but how. "Garm don't worry about that just relax i can handle it when the time comes" kai said looking down at him, "kai you have just gotten all this new power, how am i supposed to trust that you can actually do that?" he said with an stern tone. "if it will make you happy garm, i can show you how" kai said getting up from his thrown.

 "if it will make you happy garm, i can show you how" kai said getting up from his thrown

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(i actually coloured and put effort into a drawing :D)

he looked around to temple looking for something but he couldn't find it, "we're going to have to go into the volcano" he said jumping down from his thrown, "what for?" Garmadon asked. "a special kind of rock that can be found inside the volcano's core" Kai said walking to the back of the temple where the pool of lava started, "garm, your lava proof right?" Kai asked putting his head on his back to look at him, "yes i am, remember i am an oni i wont die from lava" he said with a slight smile, almost like he was proud of himself for being part oni. "good cause it looks like we're going for a little lava swim to find the rocks" he said looking down at the lava excited to swim in it.

"ok ready! last one in is a rotten egg" he yelled out running almost full speed into the lava, garmadon did not follow in a run, he walked over to it and looked down, he could see kai swimming deep down in the molten lava. "i didn't think humans could swim in lava, even if he is the elemental master of fire, since getting all that extra power he has been totally different" he thought out loud. he slowly hopped in after kai and swam down to where kai was waiting for him, on his way down all that garmadon could think about is who could this boy really be?

'he doesn't act like kai or talk like him, his hair is different and his eyes look unlike kai, and his new powers are not normal. if this boy can make an army out of stone i will know for sure if it is actually kai or not' garmadon thought. when he reached kai he held out his hand towards garmadons face and bubble formed around his head, "this is so we can stay down here longer and to communicate" he said with a ear to ear smile while floating upside down, "thank you, kai" he said, "if it really is you" garmadon said under his breath.

"what was that garm?" kai said turning around to look at him, "oh sorry i meant to ask where that stone or rock is" he said wearing a masked smile. "it is a little further in so we need to keep swimming, you will know when we're close when everything turns yellow" kai said swimming further down with garmadon following close behind.

"so garm we're gonna be swimming for a little while, tell me what are you going to do with the army im making?" Kai asked while swimming upside down, "with the stone army im planning to take over Ninjago city and remake it in my- our image, we will be able to do whatever we want and you can get revenge for those who took your family " at that moment he looked over at kai and saw a snarl grow on his face and his eyes grew flames, "revenge will be sweet" he snarled.

the closer they got the warmer it got, soon enough they had reached the stone, "ok to make an army we will need a lot but let's start out with a few, let's say maybe 20 soldiers" kai said looking over at garmadon for approval, "how much of this stone do we need for that kai?" he asked, kai held his hand out to use his new found powers. a bubble began to grow around a small chunk of the stone and as he did so his eyes grew brighter, garmadon could see the wicked smile that also grew on his face.

the bubble finished forming and both kai and garmadon swam up to the top following the floating stone, when they reached the top garmadon used all 4 arms to help lift the stone out of the lava pool. " we should take it outside so that there will be enough room for all 20 soldiers" kai said lifting the stone with ease. they both walked outside and kai sat the stone down and walked back a bit to where garmadon was standing, "ok are you ready for your new soldiers garm?" kai asked him, "ready as ever" garmadon smiled.

once again kai held his hand out towards the stone and it began to shake, kai's eyes went a bright red and his hair began to float. the stone slowly hovered in the air and break into 20 even pieces, from that kai held out his other hand towards the temple where a blob of lava flew out of the temple heading for the stone, it broke into 20 even pieces and started to combine with the stone. garmadon watched as the lava and stone started to build a small army, he was amazed at the fact that kai could do this, it reminded him of someone that he couldn't remember.

the soldiers had finished being built and all that was left was for them to wake up from there slumber. kai started to mumble something that garmadon couldn't hear, when the mumbling had stopped one by one they all awoke ready for orders. "there you go garm, 20 soldiers, i told you i could do it" kai gave him a weak smile, his eyes were less bright and the roots of his hair had started to turn his natural hair colour. he didn't bother waiting for a response from his master and headed back inside to take a nap in his new room.

it really left garmadon to wonder once more if it was kai or someone he had heard about before


heyy guys sorry if this took awhile to get out, year 12 is hard work and having a job on top of that is harder ://. but im really happy with how this story is turning out and i hope you all enjoy
btw i love reading all your comments they always make me smile

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