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Cordelia's POV

"Hello love!" Alice greeted me with a smile when she entered Callie's office. She sat in the chair next to me and placed a drink in front of me.

"Hot chocolate. I know that you love white hot chocolate so I got you one." Alice says.

"Thank you Alice." I signed before going to drink my hot chocolate.

"Any time love. Your mother wants you to do some IQ tests because of how smart you are. So in a couple of days, my friend Dr. Wendy Sommers will come and administer the test. She knows that you don't verbally speak yet so either you'll write your answers down or sign them to her. Your mother said that if you wanted to watch a surgery that we could go to the observation deck. It starts in an hour so we should go now if you want to sit with your mom." Nodding, I stand up and grabbed my backpack before walking to the door. Alice grabbed our drinks and we headed out the door.

"Dr. Derek Shepherd hurt my hand. He has always hurt me when I lived with Father but yesterday he hurt me so I would not tell Mommy. He said he would kill her if I told her." I signed.

"That bastard did what?!" Callie says from behind me, causing me to turn around and face her.

"Please Callie do not tell him that I told you. I do not want Mommy to be hurt." I signed to Callie who bends down to my level and hugs me.

"I will not tell Dr. Shepherd that you told mija." Callie states before standing back up and entered her office.

"I will tell your mother after, this way Dr. Shepherd won't know that you told." Alice says when the elevator doors open and Derek enters inside, causing me to grab Alice's arm. She looks at me and then looks at Derek, realizing that this was the man who hurt me.

"Care to grab some drinks?" Derek asked Alice before glancing over at me.

"Fuck off dick head!" Alice says when we reached our floor and the doors opened. The two of us exited the elevator and walked over to Mommy who's waiting for us. Alice handed me my drink and some money.

"Can you please grab me one of those rainbow candies love?" Alice says, referring to Skittles and I nodded before heading over to the vending machines. Putting the money in, I typed in the code and the candy falls down. Grabbing the candy, I walked back to where Mommy and Alice were standing before handing Alice her candy.

"Thanks love. I'll see you tomorrow because your mother doesn't work that long today." Alice says before leaving and I turned my head to face Mommy.

"After this surgery, we're going to visit your grandmother at the home. Alice knows but nobody else does." Mommy signed before the two of us entered the observation deck and I see George operating on someone.

"The appendectomy got pushed back to today." Mommy explained before we take our seats.

"Hi there cutie!" Izzie says before hugging me and I hit her with my casted arm, causing her to release me.

"Izzie, Cordelia doesn't like it when people just touch her." Mommy says before Cristina comes over and ushered Izzie to move over, before sitting down in her former spot.

"He's going to faint." One doctor says, referring to George, who's talking to himself.

"Nah code brown. Right in his pants." Another doctor says before another one starts betting on his failure.

"Ten says he cries." Cristina says while I looked at her.

"He will make it."  I signed to Cristina.

"Fifty says that he pulls the whole thing off. That's one of us down there. The first one of us. Where's your loyalty?" Mommy says before I grabbed my notebook and make a sign.

"Seventy-five says he can't even ID the appendix." Cristina says.

"I'll take that action." Izzie says when I finished my sign and hold it up for George to see. George looks up at me and smiles before going back to his surgery. Putting the sign down, Mommy looks down at it with a smile on her face.

"What does it say?" Cristina asks me.

"It says that we are rooting for him." I signed to Cristina.

"Will you make me and your mom signs like that?" Cristina asks me with a smile and I nodded in response.

"Cordelia would do that for all of us if we wanted. She just knows George needs it because he's nervous." Mommy tells Cristina with a smile on her face before hugging me.


Meredith's POV

"Meredith, where's your brother? Matthew better not be with that hooligan friend of his again!" Mom states once Cordelia and I sat on the chairs in front of her. Mom's living at Roseridge Home for Extended Care because she has Alzheimer's. Cordelia knows about this because when I first met her, she asked about the rest of our family. Cordelia didn't want to meet her grandfather, but to her all men have done is harm her. So I don't blame her for being hesitant around men...Alice told me what Derek has done to Cordelia's hand and I'm ready to kill him. Cordelia explained that Derek and Matthew knew each other. That Derek would pay Matthew to hurt Cordelia three times a week until the cops arrested Matthew. I'm going to kill those bastards for hurting my daughter!!

"Matthew's in jail for hurting Cordelia." Mom looked at Cordelia and I could see a flash of sadness in her eyes. Mom may have been strict with us but she wasn't abusive, she was just career driven.

"Can I give you a hug?" Mom asked Cordelia who nods before getting up and walked over to Mom. Cordelia hugged Mom, who hugged her back before placing Cordelia onto her lap.

"Are you the doctor?" Mom asks me, turning to face me with a foggy look in her eyes.

"No. I'm not your doctor, but I am a doctor. I'm also you're daughter Meredith and this is your granddaughter Cordelia."

"I used to be a doctor I think." Mom says while I grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it.

"You are a doctor mom. You're a surgeon." Cordelia nodded in agreement before grabbing onto Mom's other hand.

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